A meeting of the Expert Council of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly and the Regional Commonwealth in the field of communications was held at the Tavrichesky Palace. The members of the Expert Council considered a number of draft laws in the specialised field.
The event was chaired by Alexey Borodin, Chairman of the Council, Director General of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications.
The experts paid much attention to the discussion of the draft model law ‘On Artificial Intelligence Technologies’ taking into account the experts' comments. The discussion on the terminology, the name of the law, and the principles of regulation lasted more than an hour. The experts did not support the proposals of representatives of Sberbank's Human-Centred AI Centre to exclude all prohibitive provisions from the draft.
The developer was asked to continue working on the document taking into account the comments and suggestions made.
One of the topics discussed was the need to create normative legal documents regulating the provision of technological independence in the field of critical information infrastructure in the Commonwealth.
Technological independence in the CIS countries is considered a key factor in the sustainable development of national economies. At the same time, ensuring technological independence in the field of critical information infrastructure is of particular importance in modern conditions. This refers to the systems for managing technological processes in industries of strategic importance for the economy, state institutions and society.
At the national level, the Commonwealth states prioritise the security of critical information infrastructure. At the same time, the Commonwealth lacks documents that would regulate the cooperation of CIS states in this area, and the adopted national legislative acts differ in their approaches to solving the problems faced.
In 2014, the CIS IPA adopted a model law ‘On Critical Information and Communication Infrastructure Objects’. According to experts, it is necessary to supplement the document by reflecting the issues of ensuring technological independence in this area.
The members of the Expert Council came to the decision to address the CIS IPA Standing Commission on Defence and Security to consider the possibility of amending the model law adopted in 2014.
The experts heard information on the draft Digital Code of the Kyrgyz Republic. The document was presented by Klim Omelchenko, Deputy Minister of Digital Development of Kyrgyzstan. It was recommended to use the ideas and approaches of Kyrgyz colleagues in the work on model documents of the CIS IPA.
Alexey Borodin presented to the members of the Council proposals for the development of regulations concerning the regulation of access to and provision of services of low-orbit satellite communications systems in the CIS countries.
The RCC Director also introduced the experts to the draft Strategy of Cooperation of the CIS Member States in the Development of the Information Society and Digital Economy until 2035.
The meeting heard information on the progress in the development of model laws ‘On Electronic Communications in the Environment of Digital Media Resources’ and ‘On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development’. The draft documents will be improved taking into account the comments and suggestions made by the experts.
The Executive Secretary of the Expert Council, Alexander Surygin, informed the participants of the meeting about the progress of work on projects in the field of information and communication technologies of the Perspective Plan of model lawmaking in the CIS for 2023-2025, as well as about the preparation in 2025 of the draft Perspective Plan for 2026-2028, to which experts can submit proposals.