On 30 May 2024, a meeting of the Coordination Council of the Special Communication Services of the States Parties to the Agreement on the Interstate Exchange of Special Communication Items of 23 December 1993 under the RCC was held in Moscow.
The meeting was attended by the heads and representatives of the Special Communication Services of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Alexei Borodin, RCC Director General, and his deputy, Natalia Zorya were invited to the meeting of the Coordination Council.
Ivan Gaichenya, Chairman of the Coordination Council and Head of the FSUE CCCB , greeted the participants of the event and congratulated the colleagues on the common holiday - the 85th anniversary of the establishment of the Service.
The Head of the Russian Courier Communication Central Board expressed confidence in the constructive dialogue at the meeting and wished everyone success in their work.
RCC Director General A. Borodin welcomed the participants of the meeting, he joined in congratulations on the 85th anniversary of the Service.
A. Borodin informed the participants of the meeting on the perspectives of the permanent Working Body at the RCC, which will improve the practical interaction between the Special Communication Services and the Communications Administrations of the 1993 Agreement Member-States, especially regarding the issues of:
- ensuring unity of mutually coordinated technology of work and transport of special dispatches;
- coordination and determination of optimal routes, including transit points for special mail, and the order of protection of delivered special dispatches;
- formation of unified approaches to the preparation of accompanying documents for special dispatches transported, etc.
The participants of the Coordination Council unanimously supported the decision to establish the Coordination Council of Special Communication Services at the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications.
This issue is included in the agenda of the 60/30th joint-meeting of the RCC Board of the CAs Heads and the Coordinating Council of the CIS Member-States on Informatisation at the RCC (4 June 2024, Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
The following issues were also included in the agenda of the meeting:
- main directions of the Coordination Council's activities taking into account the current external factors;
- directions of co-operation with the regional commonwealth in the field of communications;
- systematisation of the contractual base of the Special Communication Services of the CIS states;
- expansion of international co-operation and the list of services for the exchange of special dispatches between the Coordination Council Member-States.
Coordination Council of Special Communication Services
In 1993, the Special Communication Services of the CIS states concluded an international Agreement on cooperation and intergovernmental exchange of special dispatches, including correspondence, valuable and high-risk cargo.
In 2009, the Heads of the Special Communication Services of the Agreement's Member-States established a Coordination Council. The Council has become an effective collective intergovernmental platform for determining the main areas of interaction between the Services, making strategic managerial decisions and forming a unified technological process for the transport of special dispatches.