The Holnetverse team was among the three strongest in the United Nations Organization’s "Metaverse Think-a-Thon" competition. The team consisted of candidates of technical sciences, associate professors Artyom Volkov, Ammar Saleh Ali Muthanna, Anastasia Marochkina, engineers Bogdan Pankov and Daniil Svechnikov.
The "Metaverse Think-a-Thon" competition is held jointly with the International Telecommunication Union, the United Nations International Computing Centre and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 69 teams from around the world presented innovative projects on three themes: "Virtual Education Platforms"; "Disaster Preparedness and Response" and "Modelling Urban Conflict Resolution".
With the support of the Executive Committee of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications, a team of young researchers from the scientific school of Professor Andrey Kucheryavy participated in the competition with a project on the holographic universe "Telepresence platform: Hololink". Work on the platform is being carried out at the Department of Communication Networks and Data Transmission of Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications.
Andrey Kucheryavy
The final was held on 8 May in virtual format at the meeting in Geneva, according to the results of which 3 winners were determined. The awarding ceremony will be held on 14 June 2024 during the UN Virtual Worlds Day.
We congratulate our team on the victory and wish further success in the development of national science!