Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends!
The brilliant invention of the world's first wireless radio receiver, presented on 7 May 1895 by the outstanding Russian scientist Alexander Popov, opened a new page in the development of civilization.
Behind the high achievements in the field of communication technologies is the daily hard work of telecommunicators.
Thanks to communicators the boundaries of communication between people are expanding, the latest technologies in the field of communication are getting practical application, the level of public awareness is growing.
In honour of the great scientist of our region - the inventor of radio, the largest meeting room in the headquarters of the International Telecommunication Union is named after Professor A. Popov. The most important tasks of the Union take place in this hall.
Today it is impossible to imagine our life without such achievements of scientific and technological progress as radio, television, mobile communication and the Internet.
When introducing innovations, you and I, employees of the telecommunications sector, should consider them only in the light of the benefits they bring to people.
High-quality and reliable communication ensures normal operation of all sectors of the economy and social sphere, is the most important condition for stable development of the country and ensuring its security. Prompt provision of citizens with objective information depends to a great extent on the professionalism of communication workers, their efficient, reliable, and well-coordinated work. Life has shown that the workers of our industry are able to solve and honourably solve the tasks set before them by the state and society.
On the day of your professional holiday, dear colleagues, please accept my sincerest wishes for good health, well-being and prosperity!
Heartfelt thanks and great gratitude to the veterans who stood at the origins of radio and communications in our country, to all those who made a huge contribution to the establishment and strengthening of the industry, who in the cruelest conditions of the Great Patriotic War provided communications, without which the victory would have been simply impossible.
We wish creative inspiration, new labour successes and achievements to all those who have dedicated their lives to the communications industry!