29 April - 3 May 2024, Bern, Switzerland

In accordance with the work plan of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), which unites 192 countries, a session of the Council of Administration (CA) was held at the Union's headquarters in Berne from 29 April to 3 May 2024.

The session of the CA was attended by representatives of the Communications Administrations of the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation and full members of the RCC Postal Operators Board - Aipost, Belpochta, Russian Post, as well as representatives of the RCC Executive Committee.

The CA session included meetings of the Commissions, which covered a wide range of issues related to the development of postal services worldwide.

Commission 1 (Union governance and management) included financial, administrative and personnel matters of the Universal Postal Union (UPU):

* Ethics and oversight: report of the ethics office, report of the external auditor on procurement, report on the work of the UN Joint Inspection Unit, report of the Oversight Advisory Committee, report on the work of the UPU's control bodies.

* Financial management: unaudited UPU financial results for 2023, settlement of debts owed by member countries, revision of the 2024 Programme and Budget, interpretation of Article 151.4 of the General Regulations on the contribution system.

* Financial management: unaudited UPU financial results for 2023, settlement of arrears of member countries, revision of the 2024 Programme and Budget, interpretation of Article 151.4 of the General Regulations on the contribution system.

* Administrative matters: UPU headquarters building renovation project, human resources management of the International Bureau, changes to the organizational structure of the International Bureau, assessment of the situation of the Social Security Fund, report on the operation of the International Bureau Staff Social Fund, proposals for amendments to the UPU Financial Regulations, harmonization of interpreting fee systems.

* Organization of work: programme of work of Commission 1.

Commission 2 (Postal policy and regulation) addressed key areas of postal service development in the context of current challenges and included the following main topics:

1. Regulation and reforms:

* Organizing conferences on postal service regulation, universal service obligation and postal regulatory reform.

* Revision of the comprehensive postal reform and development plan and the Postal Reform Manual.

2. Digital transformation and e-commerce:

* International Postal Service data collection and protection policies and regulations.

* Draft study on the Overseas Place of Exchange (OPEC), policies related to OPEC and the designation of multiple operators.

* Product and payment integration plan.

* Payment management issues.

* Electronic Advance Data (EAD) and customs policies.

* Digital technology and innovation: identification of research topics, market intelligence briefs, identification of key policy objectives.

* E-commerce and postal trade facilitation: collaboration with organisations, postal sector in national trade agendas, online course.

3. Governance and compliance:

* UPU Postal Climate Action Plan: objectives, levels, transparency and Climate Conservation Fund.

* Implementation of Congressional resolutions on climate action.

* Draft implementation plan for the UPU's gender equality and women's empowerment policy.

4. inclusive financial services:

* Explore opportunities for partnerships between the postal and financial-technology sectors to overcome the gender asymmetry of users of postal financial services.

Commission 3 (Strategy, postal economy and markets) reviewed the strategic development and analyses of the Universal Postal Union (UPU):

* Statistics and analytics: Official UPU postal statistics, new information on trends and drivers to achieve planned international mail volumes, UPU economic research activities.

* Strategic planning:

* Abidjan Postal Strategy and Action Plan: report on the implementation of the UPU strategy, Postal Vision 2030.

* UPU IB report on the 2023 Sustainable Development Goals.

* Outcome of the consultation on the development of the future strategy: results of the global survey, information on regional roundtables.

* UPU future strategy and action plan: first draft.

Commission 4 (Development cooperation and technical assistance) focused on development cooperation, risk management and improving quality of service within the Universal Postal Union (UPU):

* Development cooperation: implementation of the worldwide development cooperation strategy 2022-2025.

* Disaster risk management: update on activities related to disaster risk management and the Solidarity Emergency Fund, modification of the rules for the administration of the UPU Solidarity Emergency Fund.

* Financing for development projects: activities financed by the Japan Fund and other funds.

* Service quality improvement: service quality improvement fund - proposals for amendments to the Internal Regulations and Project Management Manual.

* Post4Health project: an update on a project aimed at using postal infrastructure to improve access to health services.

On 3 May 2024, the CA plenary meeting was held to discuss the following topics:

* Reports of the governing bodies: reports of the chairpersons of the Council of Administration (CA), the CA Steering Committee, the Postal Operations Council (POC) and the Consultative Committee (CC).

* External relations: relations with United Nations and other international organisations and partners.

* Commission activities: reports of the co-chairs of Commissions 1 (Union governance and management), 2 (Postal policy and regulation), 3 (Strategy, postal economy and markets), 4 (Development co-operation and technical assistance).

* Preparations for the 2025 Dubai Congress: communication from the host country, communication from the Secretary General, information on the Congress commissions, timetable, published documents, drawing of lots for the front row.

* Administrative matters: update on the CA Internal Regulations, CA work programme 2022-2025, dates of the next CA sessions.

* Dispute resolution: arbitration and other dispute resolution services in accordance with the rules proposed by the Union.

The second CA session in 2024 will be held from 4 to 8 November 2024.

The 28th UPU Congress will be held from 8 to 19 September 2025, Dubai, UAE.