On September 16, 2019, in Nur-Sultan (Republic of Kazakhstan), a joint 55th meeting of the Board of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications Communication Administrations Heads and the 25th meeting of the Coordination Council of the CIS Member-States on Informatization at the RCC took place.
The meeting was attended by delegations of full members of the RCC - Communications Administrations of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan and the spectators of the RCC - CAs of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Slovenia , IOSC "Intersputnik", "Eutelsat".
As the invited participants, the meeting was attended by: leaders of the International Telecommunication Union, the Universal Postal Union, the ITU Regional Office for the CIS countries, representatives of the CIS Executive Committee, the Basic Organization of CIS Member-States in the field of information and communication technologies, the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran, representatives of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In addition, the meeting was attended by numerous experts from telecom operators and communication equipment manufacturers: PJSC Rostelecom, JSC Kazakhtelecom, JSC Kazpost, OJSC Tajiktelecom, “Iskratel” company, “FOPTNET” LLC, and JSC “RTKomm.RU”, JSC “TransTeleCom” Company, “T8” LLC, CJSC “TT Mobile”, RSE “State Radio Frequency Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “RIPE NCC”, GSMA Association, Huawei Technologies, OneWeb/ Network Access Assosiates Ltd. , "Viasat, Inc.", as well as experts from FSUE NIIR.
The meeting was chaired by Noskov Konstantin Yuryevich, Chairman of the Board of the RCC CAs Heads and the Coordination Council, Minister of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation.
The Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhumagaliyev Askar Kuanyshevich addressed a welcoming speech to the heads of delegations and participants.
At a joint meeting of the Board of the RCC CAs Heads and the Coordination Council, the practice of holding roundtable discussions on topical issues in the development of the industry was continued.
The heads of the RCC communications administrations exchanged views on the digital development, implementation and development of 5G in the countries of the RCC, as well as on measures taken by the RCC CAs to combat fraud on communication networks.
The meeting participants discussed the preparations of the RCC Communications Administrations for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 and the Radiocommunication Assembly 2019.
The document “Position of the RCC CAs on WRC-19 Agenda Items” submitted by the RCC Commission for RFS and OS was approved.
Based on the results of the consideration of the preparation of the RCC CAs for the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly 2020 (WTSA-20), a preliminary draft of the RCC General Proposals for WTSA-20 was approved. The RCC Commission for the Coordination of International Cooperation, together with the RCC Working Group on work with ITU, will continue to prepare the RCC for WTSA-20.
During the meeting, the topics of the RCC Communications Administrations' contributions to the ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference 2021 were also approved.
The meeting participants considered a block of postal issues:
- on the preparations for the 3rd Extraordinary Congress of the Universal Postal Union and for the celebration of the 145th anniversary of the UPU,
- on the implementation of the UPU Regional Development Plan for 2017-2020 for the European and Central Asian regions,
- on the implementation of the priority areas of activities of the RCC CAs and services/units at the level of designated operators for the implementation of the decisions of the 26th UPU Congress.
The RCC Postal Commission and the RCC Postal Operators Board will continue to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the Action Plan.
At the same time, the damping of the postage stamp issued by JSC Kazpost in honor of the 145th anniversary of the Universal Postal Union took place. The ceremony was held with the participation of the UPU Director General Bishar Hussein, Minister of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Noskov Konstantin Yurievich, Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhumagaliev Askar Kuanyshevich, Chairman of the Board of JSC Kazpost Saksen Seytzhap General Director of the RCC Executive Committee Director Mukhitdinov Nurudin Nasretdinovich.
Considering that the Strategy of cooperation of the CIS Member-States in the construction and development of the information society for the period up to 2025 and the Action Plan for its implementation for the period up to 2025 defines the goals, objectives, principles and main directions of cooperation between the states in the usage of the ICT for the development of the information society , it was decided to continue the analysis of the implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan in the CIS Member-States and CIS bodies.
The meeting also heard information on the progress of the review by the highest bodies of the CIS earlier approved by the Board of RCC CAs Heads:
- the Draft Concept of cooperation between the Member-States of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of digital development and the Plan of Priority Measures for its implementation,
- the Draft Agreement on the information interaction of the CIS Member-States in the field of digital development.
Information was heard on the preparation of the draft CIS Economic Development Strategy for the period up to 2030.
The meeting participants also discussed a large block of issues related to the internal activities of the Commonwealth: heard a report on the activities of the RCC Executive Committee for the past period, considered the issue of adjusting the estimates of RCC incomes and expenses for 2019, approved the estimates of RCC incomes and expenses for 2020 and the planned the period for 2021 - 2022, approved the composition of the RCC Revisory Commission for 2020.
The following were appointed at the meeting:
- Deputy Chairman of the Board of the RCC CAs Heads - Minister of Industry and Communications of Turkmenistan Durkhanov Takhirberdi Charyberdyevich,
- Deputy Chairman of the Coordination Council of the CIS Member States on Informatization under the RCC - Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhumagaliev Askar Kuanyshevich.
Mukhitdinov Nurudin Nasretdinovich was re-elected to the post of General Director of the RCC Executive Committee for a term until December 31, 2023.
At the same time, in the framework of the joint meeting of the Board of the RCC CAs Heads and the Coordination Council, a large number of bilateral meetings took place between the Heads of the RCC Communications Administrations, the leadership of international organizations and large companies participating in the RCC.
At the invitation of the Minister for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Sadikov Shukhrat Muhamadzhanovich, a joint meeting of the 56th Board of the RCC CAs Heads and the 26th Coordination Council of CIS Member-States on Informatization at the RCC will be held in 2020 in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The participants of the meeting expressed gratitude to the Government and the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the excellent organization of the joint meeting of the RCC Board and the Coordination Council, as well as a warm welcome.
At the end of the joint meeting of the Board of the RCC CAs Heads and the Coordination Council, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mamin Askar Uzakpaevich, accepted the Heads of Delegations of the RCC Communications Administrations, as well as the General Secretary of the International Telecommunication Union and the General Director of the Universal Postal Union.
At the meeting, the Head of Government noted that Kazakhstan pays great attention to the introduction of 5G communication technologies, the expansion of broadband access to the Internet, as well as other projects on informatization and digitalization, which have a serious effect on the development of the Kazakhstan’s economy and increase its competitiveness.
At the same time, as part of the RCC events, the presentation of the capabilities of 5G technology, Astana Hub, the Digital Center for Public Services, and Kazpost Digital Office for the Heads of RCC delegations took place.