On March 19, 2024, the Plenary meeting of the Committee for Interaction with ITU (Com-ITU) was held.
The meeting was attended by about 60 delegates from participating countries of the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), members of international and regional organizations, as well as representatives of the RCC.
The above meeting was opened and made by Cristiana Flutur, Co-Chair of CEPT and Chairwoman of Com-ITU.
Next, Jaroslaw Ponder, Head of the ITU European Office, made a presentation on the progress of ITU preparations for the WTSA-24 meeting, the ITU Council 2024 session, the WSIS +20 and HLE forum, and the AI4Good summit.
Under this agenda item, ITU Deputy Secretary-General, Tomas Lamanauskas, made an opening statement.
As part of the issue of preparing regional organizations for ITU events, RCC General Director Alexey Sergeevich Borodin made a presentation on the RCC’s preparation for major ITU events. Presentation link
The agenda included the following:
1. Approval of the report of the last meeting;
2. Information from the chairwoman;
3. Information from ITU;
4. Information from other ROs;
5. Approval of ECP1 for WTSA-24 – Mission Statement;
6. Results of working groups and EGS;
7. Revision of ROPS and WM Com-ITU;
8. Preliminary preparations for the 2024 ITU Council;
9. Schedule of meetings for 2024.
At the end of the meeting, Cristiana Flutur thanked all participants for the fruitful work within the framework of the Com-ITU (Com-ITU) meeting.