On January 17, 2024, a meeting was held with the General Director of the Executive Committee of the Regional Commonwealth in the field of communications A.S. Borodin. with the editor-in-chief of the journal “Bulletin of Communications” Terentyeva E.V. and editor-in-chief of the magazine “Post Communication. Engineering and technology” Gogoleva V.V.
The RCC Executive Committee and the editorial board of specialized industry magazines are connected by many years of fruitful activity for the benefit of the CIS member states.
By decision of the Council of Heads of the RCC AS No. 2/7.8 of January 24, 1992, the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications became a co-founder of these magazines together with IRIAS CJSC.
The journal “Bulletin of Communications” has been published since September 1917 and is currently not only the oldest, but practically the only professional scientific and technical industry publication covering the CIS countries with its subscription.
By the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the journal is also included in the list of leading scientific journals and publications published in the Russian Federation, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degree of candidate and doctor of sciences should be published. The authors of the magazine's articles are numerous scientific and technical employees of universities, research institutes, participating companies and regulators of the ICT market, analytical companies, as well as industry experts.
The Communications Bulletin magazine is published monthly and covers all ICT topics not only of the domestic market, but also of the International Telecommunication Union. It publishes materials on meetings of the Councils of the heads of the RCC AS, the relevant working bodies of the RCC and the line ministries of the RCC participants.
Magazine “Postal Communications. Equipment and Technologies" has been published monthly since July 1999. The magazine is a professional specialized publication designed for postal service managers and specialists. The magazine objectively covers the activities of the Universal Postal Union, the problems of postal administrations of the CIS countries, their successes and achievements.
At the same time, the magazine is one of the few publications in the CIS on the subject of postal services.
General Director of the RCC Executive Committee A.S. Borodin especially emphasized the need for closer cooperation between the RCC Executive Committee and the Commonwealth member countries with the editors of the journals “Bulletin of Communications” and “Pochtovaya Svyaz. Technics and techology".
During the meeting, such current topics as the importance of expanding geography and improving the quality of scientific articles were touched upon; the relevance of preparing materials for the 150th anniversary of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), the format of press participation in meetings of the Council of Heads of the RCC AS and the working bodies of the RCC and other issues.
During the meeting, it was noted that the rapid development of technologies in ICT and the postal industry is attracting attention from industry science.
The industry is conducting research and development work aimed at modernizing infrastructure, developing artificial intelligence and infocommunication technologies, robotizing production processes, improving the quality of services, building logistics systems and improving the digital economy.
In this vein, journals can become a platform for testing scientific developments on ICT problems and scientific disputes, as well as assist ICT and postal communication specialists in posting theses and dissertations for scientific degrees in the countries of RCC participants.
To provide more complete information about the processes and decisions made at the regional level in the field of communications and infocommunication technologies, during the meeting the main areas of cooperation for the near future were outlined.