On 25 December 2023, the 45th meeting of the Working Group on work with the International Telecommunication Union under the RCC Commission for the Coordination of International Cooperation was held via the Zoom application.
The meeting was opened by Alexei Borodin, Chairman of the Working Group on Work with the International Telecommunication Union under the RCC Commission for the Coordination of International Cooperation.
The event was attended by representatives of the Communications Administrations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, as well as the State Radio Frequency Service of Kazakhstan, the Federal State Budgetary Institution of the Radio Research Institute of Russia, Rostelecom, the Permanent Mission of Russia to the UN Office in Geneva, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
The following issues were considered during the meeting:
- On the results of the autumn session of the ITU Council Working Groups and the ITU Council supplementary session (9-20 October 2023, Geneva, Switzerland).
- On the preparation of the RCC CAs for the meetings of the Working Groups and the ITU Council Expert Groups (22 January - 02 February 2024, Geneva, Switzerland).
- On preparation of the RCC CAs for the meeting of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (22-26 January 2024, Geneva, Switzerland).
- On the interaction of the RCC CAs in preparation for the meetings of the ITU Standardization Sector Study Groups.
- On preparation of the RCC CAs for the ITU World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly 2024 (WTSA-24, 15-24 October 2024, New Delhi, India).
- On the preparation of the RCC CAs for the ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference 2025 (WTDC-25).
- On finalization of the ICT Development Index 2023.
- On the venue, time and agenda of the 46th meeting of the Working Group on ITU Relations under the PBC.
Taking into account the large volume of documents under consideration, the ITU WG drafting group resumed its work under the leadership of Natalia Zorya, Deputy General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee. The work of technical moderating was carried out by a member of the RCC Executive Committee.
The Chair of the ITU WG at the CIC thanked the participants of the meeting and the RCC Executive Committee for active and fruitful work.