On 22 November 2023 in Dubai, UAE, the 3rd Delegations Coordination Meeting of the RCC CAs delegations within the framework of the ITU World Radiocommunication Conference was held under the chairmanship of Valery Butenko, RCC Coordinator-in-Charge at WRC-23.
The RCC coordination meeting was attended by representatives of the following Communications Administrations: the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as representatives of the RCC Executive Committee. A total of 49 representatives of the RCC Member-States attended the meeting.
The 3rd Coordination Meeting was held in accordance with the proposed Agenda.
On the first issue "On the results of the work of the RCC delegation at WRC-23 - 21 November", the meeting considered in detail all the items on the agenda of WRC-23 on Committees 4, 5 and 6, as well as in the Working Groups of the Conference Committees.
On the second issue "On the Work Plan of the RCC Delegation at WRC-23 for 22 November" the information reports of the responsible for the Committees/Working Groups were heard and the necessary actions for the forthcoming period were worked out.
On the third item "Miscellaneous" the General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee Nurudin Mukhitdinov made a speech with the information that at the last 59/29th joint-meeting of the RCC Board of the CAs Heads and the Coordination Council of the CIS Member-States on Informatization at the RCC, in Ashgabat the issue "On election of the RCC Executive Committee leadership" was considered.
According to the results of the previous voting for the election of the RCC Executive Committee leadership by correspondence, Alexey Borodin was elected as the General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee.
Nurudin Mukhitdinov and the participants of the RCC meeting congratulated Alexey Borodin on his election to the high post of the RCC.
Within the framework of the 3rd RCC Coordination Meeting a working meeting of the RCC delegations’ heads to WRC-23 was held, during which opinions were exchanged on further coordination of the work of the RCC delegations and interaction with regional organizations on the issues of the WRC-23 Agenda.
The work of the RCC delegation at WRC-23 continues.