On 8 November 2023, the UPU Council of Administration held a Coordination Meeting with Restricted Unions, using the International Bureau's virtual teleconference system.
The meeting was attended by representatives of regional organizations: PUASP, PAPU, PostEurop, CRASA, PUMed, CEPT and the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications.
On behalf of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications, the representative of the Russian Federation, Oleg Syromyatnikov, Advisor to the Deputy General Director for International Business and Interaction with International Organizations of “Russian Post”, participated and delivered a presentation.
During the presentation, it was noted that RCC designated postal operators work with the private sector, outsourcing information on elements of the logistics chain to optimize costs, improve service quality and reduce delivery times. The RCC is also involved in the implementation of the decisions taken at the UPU Extraordinary Congress and regularly addresses issues at meetings of the RCC Working Bodies related to the postal sector. In doing so, RCC Member-States have been asked to review postal legislation to eliminate restrictions that prevent postal operators from being competitive today.
However, the meeting was briefed on the "Review of the relationship between the Abidjan Postal Strategy, the four pillars of Postal Vision 2030 and Regional Development Plans (RDPs)". A presentation was made by Mutua Mutusi, Director of Development and Cooperation of the UPU IB.
Also, regional organizations made presentations on how they support/contribute to/facilitate RDPs in line with the four pillars of Postal Vision 2030:
- Improving the efficiency of the designated operator through diversified strategies and operational improvements (presentations from PUMed and PostEurop);
- Reducing disparities in postal development through targeted policies, increased investment and diversified use of postal networks for socio-economic development (presentations from PUASP and PAPU);
- Harmonization and improvement of the legal and regulatory framework for postal services (presentations from CRASA and CEPT);
- Towards the integration of other private and public sector stakeholders in the postal sector (presentations by RCC and APPU).