A meeting of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) Council of Administration (CA) was held from 6 to 10 November 2023 at UPU headquarters in Berne and using the International Bureau's virtual teleconference system.
The meeting was attended by delegates from UPU member-States, with representatives of the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation and representatives of the RCC Executive Committee taking part on behalf of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications.
The participants were welcomed by UPU IB Director General Masahiko Metoki and UPU IB Deputy Director General Marjan Oswald. The meeting was chaired by Chairman Isaac Gnamba-Yao.
The Plenum summarized the work of the Coordinating and Steering Committees, presented reports from the co-chairs of Commission 1 (Union governance and management), Commission 2 (postal policy and regulation), Commission 3 (strategy, postal economy and markets), Commission 4 (development cooperation and technical assistance) and the Fourth Extraordinary Congress.
At the end of the UPU Council of Administration, the CA’s Work Programme for 2022-2025 was presented.
The CA chairman thanked all participants for their hard work.