On 8 November 2023, the joint 59th meeting of the RCC Board of the Communications Administrations Heads of the Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications and the 29th meeting of the Coordination Council of the CIS Member-States on the Informatization at the RCC was opened in Ashgabat.
The meeting was opened by Nurudin Mukhitdinov, General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee.
The meeting was chaired by Konstantin Shulgan, Minister of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus.
The participants were welcomed by the Chairman of the RCC Board of the CAs Heads and the Coordination Council of the CIS Member-States on the Informatization at the RCC, Minister of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sherzod Shermatov (via videoconference), Chairman of the Agency "Turkmenaragatnashyk" of Turkmenistan Hajimyrat Khudaygulyev and Director of the ITU Regional Office for the CIS region Natalia Mochu.
Delegations of the RCC full members - the Communications Administrations of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan and the RCC observers - MOCS "INTERSPUTNIK" took part in the meeting.
The meeting was also attended by: the head of the ITU Regional Office for the CIS states, representatives of the CIS Executive Committee, the CIS Interstate Statistical Committee, the Interstate Council on Antimonopoly Policy, the State Service for Special Communications and Information Security of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the companies "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.", "Viasat, Inc." and "Caspion Construction and Procurement".
In addition, the meeting was attended by representatives of the RCC Executive Committee.
The agenda of the meeting included the following:
- on promising directions in the field of digital development in the RCC member countries;
- implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the RCC member countries;
- on the final stage of preparation of RCC Communications Administrations for the World Radiocommunication Conference and the Radiocommunication Assembly 2023;
- the results of the 2023 Council Sessions and the first block of meetings of the Council Working Groups and ITU Expert Groups;
- the results of the work of the delegations of the RCC Communications Administrations at the 4th UPU Extraordinary Congress;
- on the implementation of the Action Plan for the realization of the decisions of the 27th UPU Congress and the Abidjan Postal Strategy for 2022-2025;
- on the implementation of the UPU Regional Development Plan 2022-2025 for the Europe and Central Asia region;
- on measures taken in the RCC member countries to combat fraud on communication networks;
- on the implementation of the Strategy of Cooperation of the CIS Member-States in Building and Developing the Information Society for the Period until 2025 and the Action Plan for its Implementation for the Period until 2025;
- on the intensification of interaction between the CIS sectoral co-operation bodies on digital transformation issues;
- on granting the status and creation of a basic organization of the CIS Member-States, which provides methodological, organizational and technical support for work in the field of information and communication technologies;
- report on the activities of the RCC Executive Committee for the past period and the results of an independent audit of the financial and economic activities of the RCC for 2022;
- on the adjustment of the RCC income and expenditure estimates for 2023, approval of the RCC income and expenditure estimates for 2024 and the planning period for 2025 - 2026;
- appointment of the Deputy Chairman of the RCC Board of the CAs Heads and the Coordination Council of the CIS Member-States on the Informatization at the RCC;
- election of the leadership in the RCC Working Bodies;
- changes in the composition and status of the participants of the RCC Working Bodies;
- election of the General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee.