On 3 November 2023, the UPU Postal Operations Council (POC) meeting, continued its work on the agenda.
A plenary session of the POC was held. The meeting was chaired by the POC chairperson.
The above meeting focused on the report of Commission 1, 2, 3, 4. The approved reports in the Commissions were presented.
Also an important aspect of the agenda included the dates of the next POC sessions, 2024.1, 2024.2 and 2025.1.
The POC proposed the following dates for their sessions 2024.1 (S5) and 2024.2 (S6):
- POC S5: 22 - 26 April 2024;
- POC S6: 28 October to 1 November 2024.
In addition to POC S5, it was proposed that the first session of the 2024 POC standing groups be held from 12 to 16 February 2024 and the second session of 2024 from 1 to 5 July 2024.
The first session of the 2024 POC standing groups was proposed to be held from 5 to 9 February 2024.
Finally, the following dates were proposed for POC 2025.1 (S7), taking into account the need to ensure the availability of hotel rooms and to allow delegates to plan their travel well in advance.
- POC S7: 10 - 14 March 2025;
5. In addition to POC S7, it was proposed to hold the final (for the 2022-2025 cycle) session of the POC permanent groups from 27 to 31 January 2025.
Postal Operations Council participants took note of the information on the next UPU POC meetings.
The agenda for the meeting included the following:
- Report of Commission 1 (Logistics Network);
- Report of the group of experts on advance electronic information rules for transit/overloading of consignments;
- Proposals on reservations to the Regulations of the Convention (Austria, France, Italy, Malta, Netherlands);
- Commission Report 2 (Physical Services and Electronic Commerce);
- Presentation on the quality integration plan;
- Commission Report 3 (Market Development and Innovation);
- Commission Report 4 (Postal and financial services);
- POC work programme for 2022-2025;
- Report on the addressing forum;
- Dates of regular POC sessions;
- Co-operation between the International Telecommunication Union and the UPU in the study of services relating to both the postal and telecommunications sectors.
At the end of the meeting, the POC chairman thanked all participants for their hard work.
In turn, the UPU IB Director General thanked the Chairperson for the quality of the proceedings and the participants for their active work.