In the period from 4 to 8 September 2023, the 24th meeting of the RCC Commission on Regulation of the Use of the Radio Frequency Spectrum and Satellite Orbits (RCC Commission on Radio Frequency and Satellite Orbits) and its working bodies was held in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.
The meeting of the Commission was chaired by Valery Butenko, Chairman of the RCC Commission on Radio Frequency Spectrum and Satellite Orbits.
Denis Lyashenkov, Deputy Director of the Department of State Regulation of the Telecommunications Market of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, read out the welcoming speech of Dmitry Kim, Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, to the participants of the meeting, in which the importance of holding the final meeting of the RCC Commission was emphasized, which will allow all RCC member countries to prepare for the Radiocommunication Assembly (RA-23) and the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) at a high level and on a high level.
Mario Manevich, Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), said in his welcoming remarks that this is a crucial year for the global radiocommunication community, including spectrum regulators, industry representatives and radiocommunication service providers. WRC-23 will take place from 20 November to 15 December in Dubai, UAE. During the four weeks of this conference, ITU members will discuss and take decisions on a wide range of regulatory issues related to space and terrestrial radio services.
Al Ramsey Mohamed Abdelrahim, Deputy Director General for the Telecommunications Sector of the UAE State Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Digital Technologies, appointed Chairman of WRC-23, wished the participants of the meeting fruitful work and informed the participants of the meeting about the readiness to hold the Radiocommunication Assembly and WRC-23 in the city of Dubai.
Nurudin Mukhitdinov, General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee, thanked the Communications Administration of the Russian Federation for the invitation and high-level organization of the above-mentioned events. It was noted that it is necessary to promote efforts to deepen international co-operation in the field of digital technologies and accelerate their implementation in the RCC member countries.
The meeting was attended by 149 representatives of the communications administrations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as representatives of the ITU, Intersputnik, International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 (IARU-R1), UAE State Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Digital Technologies, CEPT, GSMA, Inmarsat, Huawei, Policy Impact Partners (PIP) and the RCC Executive Committee.
Information on preparations for WRC-23 and RA-23 in regional telecommunication organizations was presented by:
- Head of the ITU Land Services Department Nikolay Vasiliev;
- Almazaina Ghaith Matar, Manager of Government Relations and International Cooperation of the UAE State Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Digital Technologies;
- CPG CEPT AL 7 (SES) Coordinator Anna Marklund;
- Sergei Pastukh, Deputy Chairman of the WG AR/VCR of the RCC Commission on RF and CRM.
The meeting of the RCC Commission considered topical issues of radiocommunication and broadcasting, as well as reports of the working bodies of the Commission.
The Commission approved the following documents:
- "Position of the RCC CAs on the agenda items of the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023, version dated 08 September 2023";
- "General proposals of the RCC CAs for the work of RA-23";
- "General proposals of the RCC CAs for the work of WRC-23";
- Proposals on the nomination of candidates of the AU RCC for the executive positions of WRC-23, RA-23 and ITU-R working bodies;
- "Procedure for interaction of the delegations of the RCC CAs at RA-23/WCR-23";
- Plan of the WG RA/WCR meetings for 2024-2027.
- RCC Recommendation 1/23 "Organisation of interaction between radio frequency services of the member countries of the Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications in the issues of radio frequency spectrum management";
- RCC Recommendation 2/23 "Determination of conditions for the use and implementation of 5G-NR/IMT-2020 systems in the radio frequency bands 694-790 MHz, 3400-3800 MHz and 4800-4990 MHz in the RCC membe-states in the border territories";
- RCC Report 3/23 "Regulation and use of satellite systems for the provision of mobile telecommunications services and broadband Internet access services to mobile sites in RCC member countries";
- The sixth (27.5-174 MHz), ninth (8.3-3230 kHz) and tenth (3230-27500 kHz) fragments of the RCC General Radio Frequency Allocation Table;
- A document containing the responses to the RCC Questionnaire "Additional information on the existing and planned use of television broadcasting spectrum in the UHF frequency band in Area 1, including EMC issues, according to the current status of terrestrial television broadcasting implementation in the RCC CAs states";
- Completed RCC Report "Development of general principles for the protection of broadcasting service stations against mobile service interference in the main and adjacent frequency bands";
- Updated Work Plan of the WG RB for 2023-2024.
Also, as part of the Commission meeting, a Forum on the development of fifth-generation mobile networks in the RCC region was held, at which reports were made by Olga Ramina, Director of Radio Access Network Development of Beeline, Konstantin Zudin, Director of Regulatory Affairs of Beeline, and Vladimir Valkovich, Director of Strategy and Long-Term Planning of Beeline Network Development.
Upon the invitation of the Liaison Administration of the Republic of Armenia, it was decided to hold the next meeting of the Commission and its working bodies in March 2024 in Yerevan.
The participants of the meeting thanked the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau staff for their active and fruitful participation in the meeting.
Valery Butenko, Chairman of the RCC Commission on Frequencies and CRMs, Natalya Zorya, Deputy General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee, as well as all the participants of the meeting thanked the Russian Federation Communications Administration for organizing the Commission meeting at a high level.
Dmitry Tur, Director of the Department of State Regulation of the Telecommunications Market of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, emphasized the importance of the work done to prepare the RCC for the Radiocommunication Assembly and the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023, and thanked the Chairman of the RCC Commission on RFS and SO Valery Butenko, the RCC Executive Committee for preparing and holding the Commission meeting at a high level and all the participants for their active work.