The 6th meeting of the APTConference Preparatory Group for WRC-23 (APG23-6) was held in Brisbane, Australia from August 14-19, 2023 in a hybrid format.
The meeting was attended by more than 200 delegates from the Asia-Pacific Telecommunication Union (APT) member countries, members of international and regional organizations, and RCC representatives.
Representatives of the Communications Administration of the Russian Federation, as well as staff of the RCC Executive Committee participated on behalf of the RCC.
The above event was opened and welcoming remarks were made by:
- Richard Windeyer, Deputy Secretary, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, Australian Government;
- Michelle Roland, Minister for Communications, Government of Australia delivered welcoming remarks via video message;
- Masanori Kondo, Secretary General of the APT;
- Mario Maniewicz, Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union.
- Mohammed Al Ramzi, Chair of WRC-23;
- Kyu Jin Wee, Chair of the APT Preparatory Group for WRC-23
APG23-6 was the final meeting of the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) cycle, which focused on the preparation of Preliminary APT Common Proposals on the WRC-23 agenda items, as well as on the issues related to APG-23.
Within the framework of the above-mentioned meeting, Sergey Pastukh, Deputy Chairman of the Working Group on the RA/WCR of the RCC Commission on RFS and SO, made a presentation from the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications, who provided information on the preliminary position of the RCC states on the key items of the WRC-23 agenda.
1. Opening of the meeting;
2. Adoption of the agenda;
3. Summary minutes of the APG23-5;
4. Objectives of the meeting;
5. Placement of documents;
6. Report on the progress of the working groups;
7. Consideration of documents submitted to the plenary session;
8. Implementation of the process of preparation of RA-23 and WRC-23 by ITU and other international and regional organizations;
9. Meeting of working groups;
10. Discussion and adoption of APT Preliminary General Proposals on WRC-23 agenda items;
11. discussion and adoption of APT Preliminary General Proposals on RA-23 related issues, if any;
12. Discussion and adoption of APT opinions on WCR-23 and RA-23 related issues, if any;
13. Review of output documents:
a. APT Preliminary General Proposals on WCR-23 agenda items;
b. Preliminary general APT proposals on RA-23 related issues, if any;
c. APT views on issues related to WCR-23 and RA-23, if any;
d. Other output documents.
14. Organization of coordination during RA-23 and WCR-23:
a. Appointment of preliminary coordinators for agenda items;
b. Schedule of coordination meetings of the APT;
c. APT web portal for coordination during RA-23 and WCR-23.
15. Date and location of APG27-1;
16. Any other matters;
17. Closing.
At the conclusion of the meeting, Masanori Kondo, Secretary General of the APT, and Kyu Jin Wee, Chair of the meeting, thanked all participants for their fruitful work at the event