The first plenary meeting of the ITU Council was held on July 12, 2023.
Cesar Martinez, ITU Council President, and Doreen-Bogdan Martin, ITU Secretary-General, opened the meeting
During the ITU Council plenary session, the contribution from the Russian Federation document C23/90 Comments to the reports of the Secretary General submitted to the Council in documents C23/36, C23/52, C23/53, C23/62 was considered.
The exact dates for the next World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly in 2024 were also determined.
The World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-24) will be held from 15-24 October 2024, in New Delhi, India.
Also in preparation for WTSA-24, the Global Symposium on Standards 2024 (GSS-24) will be held on October 14, 2024.
The following issues were considered under the Agenda of the Council's First Plenary Meeting:
- Accelerating the implementation of the ITU Strategic Plan 2024-2027;
- A transformation roadmap for achieving organizational excellence;
- Preparations for the 2023 Radiocommunication Assembly and the 2023 World Radiocommunication Conference.
The first meeting of the Standing Committee on Administration and Management was held on July 13, 2023.
Dirk-Olivier Von Der Emden, Chairman of the Committee, opened the meeting.
The meeting continued in accordance with the Agenda.
Then the second plenary meeting of the ITU Council took place.
During the plenary session the RCC representative Alexey Borodin, Chairman of the Working Group on Work with the International Telecommunication Union under the RCC Commission for the Coordination of International Cooperation, made a presentation on the agenda items.
Contributions from the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation were also considered.
- Document C23/88, draft revision of Council Resolution 1379 (Amend. 2019) on "Group of Experts on International Telecommunication Regulations (GE-RME)";
- Document C23/85, draft new Council Resolution on "ITU's Role in the Implementation of the World Summit on the Information Society 2025";
- Document C23/89, proposals for discussion in the Internet WGS on challenges to the Internet Governance System and preparation of recommendations to avoid fragmentation of the Internet;
The agenda included the following items:
- Report of the 21st Plenipotentiary Conference (PC-22);
- Periodic review of the International Telecommunication Regulations;
- Cooperation with the UN system as well as with other international intergovernmental processes, including on standards development;
- Report on ITU's role in the implementation of the WSIS outcomes and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and their follow-up and review processes;
- ITU Internet activities: Resolutions 101, 102, 133, 180 and 206;
- 25 years of the ITU work program on gender equality;
The work of the RCC delegation at the ITU Council 2023 continues.