The 23rd APT Policy and Regulatory Forum (PRF-23) was held from 20 to 22 June 2023 in Nadi, Republic of Fiji in a hybrid format.
The Forum was attended by around 200 delegates from the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) Member-States, members of international and regional organizations, as well as RCC representatives.
The RCC was represented by the representatives of the Administration of Communications of the Russian Federation as well as by the staff of the RCC Executive Committee.
The aforementioned event was opened and welcomed by Masanori Kondo, Secretary General of the APT, Ilyas Ahmed Chairman of the PRF, Shaheen Ali, Secretary for Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications, Fiji.
PRF-23 focused its work in line with the five strategic directions of the APT Strategic Plan, which guides APT’s activities for 2021-2023.
Within the framework of the above forum, the following sessions took place:
1) Special Ministerial Session: a session of Ministers and/or Deputy Ministers to share views, experiences, lessons learnt, policies implemented in their countries regarding digital government, smart nation and smart island, which are in line with the objective of the Singapore Statement adopted by APT ICT Ministers;
2) Regulators Roundtable: A roundtable of heads of regulators to share experiences and practices on regulatory issues and identify challenges, opportunities and possible ways forward for digital connectivity and digital transformation for a sustainable digital society;
3) Business Dialogues: Sessions to provide a platform for industry representatives to express their views on an enabling ICT regulatory regime, satellite constellations and 5G developments.
The agenda included the following:
1. Opening;
2. Adoption of the agenda.
3. Outcomes of the 46th session of the ATPU Steering Committee, relating to the PRF;
4. Consideration of documents submitted to the Plenum
5. Ministerial Session: "Digital and Smart Government: Initiatives, Strategies, Applications and Impact";
6. Regulators' Roundtable: Digital Connectivity and Digital Transformation for a Sustainable Digital Society;
7. Business Dialogues;
8. Thematic sessions;
9. The way forward;
10. Date and venue of PRF-24.
At the end of the forum, Masanori Kondo, Secretary General of the APT and Ilyas Ahmed, Chairman of PRF, thanked all participants for the fruitful work of the forum.