On June 20, 2023, the 8th meeting of the Working Group on work with the Universal Postal Union under the RCC Postal Commission and the RCC Postal Operators Council on videoconferencing was held.
The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Working Group on work with the Universal Postal Union Gordeenko Natalia Mikhailovna.
Mukhitdinov Nurudin Nasretdinovich, General Director of the RCC Executive Committee, addressed the meeting participants with a welcoming speech.
Representatives of the communication administrations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Uzbekistan and full members of the RCC Postal Operators Council - Azerpost LLC, Haypost CJSC, Belpochta Republican Unitary Enterprise, Kazpost JSC, Kyrgyz Post OJSC, Russian Post JSC, Postal Tojik State Unitary Enterprise, Uzbekistan Post Office JSC, as well as employees of the RCC Executive Committee.
As part of the preparation of the RCC CAs for the Extraordinary UPU Congress in 2023, the following issues were considered:
- Proposals of the UPU Postal Operations Council submitted to the Extraordinary Congress for consideration;
- On the amendment of Russia to the proposal of the Postal Operations Council to Article 12 of the Agreement on Postal Payment Services;
- Election of candidates for Commission 1 (Checking Credentials) and Commission 2 (Editorial);
- On the powers of delegations to obtain a guaranteed right to vote at the Extraordinary Congress of the UPU;
- On the formation of the composition of the RCC delegation for participation in the Extraordinary UPU Congress.
The event was held in a constructive business atmosphere. Based on the results of consideration of the agenda items, appropriate decisions were made.
Concluding the meeting, Natalia Mikhailovna Gordeenko, Chairman of the Working Group on Work with the UPU, thanked the RCC Executive Committee for the high-quality preparation of materials and technical support for the meeting in the videoconference format.
Deputy Director General of the RCC Executive Committee Zorya Natalia Evgenievna thanked the Chairman of the Working Group on work with the UPU for the professional conduct of the meeting.