On June 13, 2023 in Moscow took place the third meeting of the expert group for the coordination of the draft Protocol on Amendments to the Agreement on Cooperation of the CIS Member-States in Establishing Compatible National Telemedicine Systems and their Further Development and Usage of November 19, 2010.
Representatives of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan participated in the above mentioned meeting and also plenipotentiary representatives of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation and the CIS Executive Committee participated in the Commission on Economic Issues under the CIS Economic Council.
Natalia Zorya, Deputy General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee participated in the expert group meeting.
The participants of the meeting approved the agenda and the rules of procedure.
The agenda included discussion of comments and proposals of the Russian Federation and coordination of the draft Protocol on Amendments to the Agreement on Cooperation of the CIS Member-States in the Creation of Interoperable National Telemedicine Systems and their Further Development and Usage of November 19, 2010.