On June 5, 2023, the Meeting of Regional Associations of Regulators was held as part of the Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR-23) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt and via videoconferencing.
The above meeting was attended by ITU member countries, as well as observers, among whom were representatives of regional and international organizations.
Representatives of the Communications Administrations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, as well as the management and staff of the RCC Executive Committee took part from the RCC.
The above meeting was opened and ITU BDT Director Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava delivered a welcoming speech and a representative of AREGNET, Saudi Arabia spoke on behalf of Mohammed Al Tamimi.
The agenda included the following:
1. Opening remarks;
2. Presentation of the ITU initiative "Digital Regulation Network (DRN) - a collaborative network of networks";
3. Discussion and way forward;
4. Closing.
The Regional Regulators Associations meeting provided a unique platform for Regulators Associations to share experience and knowledge, discuss options for collaboration, and identify ways to ensure affordable, secure, secure, and reliable connectivity and online access and use for people in their respective regions. .
The ITU Director of BDT presented a new initiative to support associations of regulators or digital regulators to enhance inter-regional and inter-sectoral coordination, pool resources, and channel multi-stakeholder efforts to enhance regional regulatory capacity and encourage cross-sector collaboration to accelerate sustainable digital transformation.
At the above meeting, Nurudin Nasretdinovich Mukhitdinov, General Director of the RCC Executive Committee, made a presentation on the topic “Prospects in the field of digital future”.
At the end of the meeting, the signing ceremony of the memorandum between ITU BDT and EMERG took place.