A meeting of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) Council of Administration was held from 8-12 May 2023 at UPU headquarters in Berne and via videoconference.
Delegates from UPU member countries attended the meeting, while representatives from the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications attended from the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.
The Director General of the UPU International Bureau, Masahiko Metoki, and Deputy Director General, Marian Oswald, addressed the participants.
The Plenum summarized the work of the Coordination and Steering Committees, presented the reports of the co-chairs of Commission 1 (Union governance and management), Commission 2 (Postal policy and regulation), Commission 3 (Strategy, postal economy and markets) and Commission 4 (Development cooperation and technical assistance), as well as amendments to the UPU's regulatory documents.
At the end of the UPU Council of Administration, representatives from Saudi Arabia gave a presentation on preparations for the UPU's Fourth Congress. The Fourth Extraordinary Congress will be held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, from 1 to 5 October 2023 to take decisions related to further opening up the postal sector to broader postal players, as well as other relevant postal sector issues. Saudi Arabia presented the logo of the Extraordinary Congress, as well as organizational issues.