In the period from 1 to 5 May 2023, a meeting of the Postal Operations Council (POC) of the UPU was held using the virtual teleconferencing system of the International Bureau.
The meeting was attended by delegates from UPU member countries, as well as full members of the Council of Postal Operators of the RCC - CJSC "Haypost", JSC "Kazpost", JSC "Post of Russia" and representatives of the Executive Committee of the RCC.
The participants were welcomed by the Director General of the UPU International Bureau Metoki Masahiko and the Deputy Director General Marjan Oswald. The meeting was chaired by President Jean-Paul Forceville.
The Postal Operations Council considered:
- Report of the POC Steering Committee on the meeting in October 2022 POC 2022.2;
- Organization of the session of POC 2023.1 POC 2023.1;
– Matters related to Commission 1
– Matters relating to Commission 2
– Matters relating to Commission 3
– Matters relating to Commission 4
- Report on the contribution of the POC task force to the work of the AC to open the UPU to a wider range of participants in the postal sector POC 2023.1;
- Service Quality Improvement Fund;
– Prioritization of projects of the general fund PPA 2023.1;
- Documents and proposals for submission to the Extraordinary Congress, to be finalized and approved by the Chairman of the POC after the session of the POC 2023.1.
The meeting also considered an update on electronic provisional data Extraordinary Congress 2023.
The meeting was closed by the Chairman Jean-Paul Forceville.