The WSIS Forum 2023 took place from 13 to 17 March 2023 at ITU premises in Geneva and online.
The WSIS Forum was organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
The theme of the WSIS Forum was "Implementing WSIS Action Lines to Do Better and Accelerate the SDGs".
The WSIS Forum uses the WSIS-SDG matrix to achieve these objectives and serves as a platform for discussion on the role of ICTs as a means to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, with due attention given to the global mechanism for following up and reviewing the implementation of the 2030 Agenda ( UNGA resolution A/70/1).
The format, agenda and thematic focus of the Forum were the result of an open consultation process involving all WSIS stakeholders. The Forum consisted of two segments: a high-level segment including general policy statements, 2 interactive high-level dialogues, the WSIS Awards Ceremony, a Ministerial Roundtable, and a Forum Events segment that included a series of meetings to promote the implementation of the Action Lines. WSIS, in-country and thematic workshops, training sessions, special segments on various thematic areas, and an exhibition on issues critical to WSIS implementation and multi-stakeholder follow-up.
This year's forum, WSIS Forum 2023, was a very successful event with over 2,700 participants both on site and remotely. Over 600 participants used the imeetyou@wsis online tool to connect and interact with others.
The forum consisted of over 250 sessions and was attended by participants from over 150 countries. The high-level track was attended by 46 ministers, 50 ambassadors and 15 mayors from around the world. The event also recognized outstanding contributions to the field of information and communications technology, awarding 18 winners and 72 champions of the WSIS Prizes 2023.
Virtual workshops will continue in April and May.