In the period from February 13 to 17, 2023, the 7th meeting of the RA/WRC Working Group of the RCC Commission on Regulation of the Use of the Radio Frequency Spectrum and Satellite Orbits (RCC Commission on Radio Frequency and SO) was held to prepare for the Radiocommunication Assembly and the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 in the format video conferencing using the Zoom platform.
The meeting was attended by 145 representatives of the communications administrations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as representatives of the ITU, the International Amateur Radio Union of the 1st Region (IARU- R1), Inmarsat, EUTELSAT, Huawei and the RCC Executive Committee.
The following issues were considered at the above meeting:
- Submission of information on preparations for WRC-23 in regional telecommunication organizations and other organizations;
- Report of the Chairman on the RA/WRC WG-6 meeting (December 2022);
- Report on the RA/WRC WG-7 preparation meeting;
- Report on informal discussions of p.p.d. 7 WRC-23;
- Clarification of the composition of the CSC on the agenda items of the WRC-23;
- Consideration of contributions to CPM23-2 and CSC materials on WRC-23 issues (if necessary);
- Materials of coordinators on p.p.d. WRC-23;
- Draft contributions to PSK23-2;
- Draft position of the RCC CAs on WRC-23 issues;
- Draft general proposals on WRC-23 issues;
- Consideration of PVP EC ITU-R materials on RA-23 issues;
- On international events on RA/WRC issues;
- Information on the activities of the WRC-23 informal group in preparation for RA/WRC-23.
In conclusion, the Chairman of the RA/WRC WG Albert Bagratovich Nalbandyan thanked all the participants of the meeting for active and fruitful work, as well as the RCC Executive Committee for the quality organization of the meeting in the format of the videoconferencing conference.
The next meeting is scheduled to be held in May 2023.