From 6-10 February 2023, the 7th CEPT Conference Preparatory Group to WRC-23 (CPG-23) was held in Marseille, and in a hybrid format.
More than 200 delegates from CEPT Member-States and observers attended the event, including representatives of regional and international organisations.
Representatives of the Communications Administrations of: the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation, as well as staff from the RCC Executive Committee, participated on behlf of the RCC.
The meeting was chaired by Alexander Kholod, Chairman of the CEPT Conference Preparatory Group to WRC-23 (CPG-23).
The main purpose of the meeting was to update CEPT information on preparation for WRC-23 and to formulate Common Proposals and positions of CEPT Member-States.
Mario Manevich, Director of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau (BR), gave a presentation at this meeting on preparations for WRC-23.
The agenda included the following:
- Opening of the meeting;
- Address by the BR Director;
- Approval of the agenda;
- Nomination & appointment of CEPT Coordinators;
- Information from relevant groups;
- Consideration of issues from CPG project teams;
- Network of Women for WRC-23;
- Preparation of RA-23;
- CPG23 meeting schedule;
- ECO matters;
- Any other business;
- Approval of the Minutes of the meeting;
- Closure of the meeting.