Over 380 participants from most of the 193 ITU member countries participate in CPM23-1. From the Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications, representatives of the AC of the Republic of Belarus, the AC of the Russian Federation, the AC of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as representatives of the RCC Executive Committee participate in the preparatory meeting.
The preparatory meeting for the 2023 Conference is chaired by Cindy Cook (Canada), which has 6 alternates from each regional organization. Pastukh S.Yu., Deputy Chairman of the RCC RG AR-19 / WRC-19, Deputy Head of the CA&EMS Federal State Unitary Enterprise NIIR was elected Deputy Chairman of CPM23-1 from the RCC.
CPM23-1 is designed to coordinate the work programs of the relevant ITU-R study groups and to prepare a draft CPM Report structure based on the agendas of WRC-23 and WRC-27, as well as to take into account any guidance that could be made by WRC-19. The first session identifies research topics in preparation for WRC-23 and, as appropriate, for WRC-27. These topics are taken from the agenda of WRC-23 and the provisional agenda of WRC-27. For each topic, one study group (SG) is appointed, either a working group (WG), or a task force (TG), or an ITU-R joint task force (JTG), which is responsible (as a responsible group) for the preparatory work, as necessary inviting other ITU-R interest groups to contribute and / or participate in the work. To the extent possible, use existing groups for this purpose, and new groups are created only if it is considered necessary.