WRC-19 was attended by more than 3900 delegates from most of the 193 ITU member countries. From our region, the delegations of the Armenian Autonomous Republic, the Azerbaijani Azerbaijan, the Georgian Autonomous Republic, the Belarusian Autonomous Republic, the Kazakh Autonomous Republic, the Kyrgyz Autonomous Republic, the Russian AC, and the Uzbek Autonomous Republic, as well as representatives of the RCC Executive Committee, participated in WRC-19.
On November 22, 2019, at 15:00, the final Coordination Meeting of the delegations of the RCC participating countries took place at the International Congress Center in the El Salam Hall as part of the 2019 World Radiocommunication Conference.
The following Coordination Meeting was also attended by the representatives of the RCC participating countries: ITU Secretary General H. Jao, Director of the ITU-R Radiocommunication Bureau M. Manevich, WRC-19 Chairman A. Badawi, Minister of Communications and Information of the Republic of Belarus K. Shulgan, Deputy Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan E. Velizade, Chairman of the Telecommunications Committee of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan V. Yaroshenko, Deputy Minister of Communications of the Republic of Cuba A. Lopez, Director of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Department of the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Cuba M. Martinez, Director of the Monitoring and Control Department of the Afghanistan Communications Regulatory Agency Mr. S. Harres, and Head of the Professional Participants Department of the Afghanistan Communications Regulatory Agency Mr. Mr. F. Walked.
The meeting was greeted by the ITU Secretary-General H. Jao, who expressed gratitude to all representatives of the RCC participants' countries for the good work at WRC-19.
In his speech, the Director of the ITU-R Radiocommunication Bureau, speaking about the work done at the WRC-19 of the RCC participant countries, emphasized that such difficult agenda issues as: allocation of radio frequency bands for IMT (agenda item 1.13), future WRC agenda 23 years (item . 10 agenda), work with footnote 5.441b required constant attention and painstaking work. The decision on these issues was taken by the Conference literally in the last days. Many of the RCC CA representatives had to work almost round the clock. A compromise was found only through the Regional Package Agreements with the President of the Conference.
Mr. M. Manevich emphasized that in addition to the above, there were other difficult issues, but representatives of the RCC CAs successfully dealt with them.
The Chairman of WRC-19 A. Badawi, in turn, expressed gratitude to the representatives of the RCC CAs for the spirit of cooperation and compromise, due to which good results of WRC-19 were obtained.
The Minister of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus K. Shulgan, the Deputy Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan also welcomed the audience.
E. Velizade, Chairman of the Telecommunications Committee of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan V. Yaroshenko. The heads of the RCC CAs delegations at WRC-19 expressed gratitude to all RCC CAs participants and praised their work at WRC-19.
RCC Responsible Coordinator for WRC-19 Strelec Victor Andreyevich presented a detailed report on the status of implementation of the RCC CAs general proposals in the context of committees on WRC-19 agenda items.
The Director General of the RCC Executive Committee Mukhitdinov Nurudin Nasretdinovich addressed the meeting with a closing speech. He thanked the audience for their active and well-coordinated work on the AR-19 and WRC-19 and the acceptance of all contributions from the RCC CAs at the Conference. He emphasized the need for further work to take into account the results of the WRC-19 when considering this issue at the Council of Heads of RCC CAs and to pay attention to the formation of delegations of RCC CAs.
Within the framework of WRC-19, work was carried out and an agreement was reached on the active participation of the AU of the Republic of Cuba and the AU of Afghanistan in the work of the RCC.