October 25, 2022, Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan
The 24th meeting of the Expert Council of the Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States - the Regional Commonwealth in the field of communications in the hybrid mode was held in Samarkand on October 25.
The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Expert Council, Minister of Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sherzod Shermatov in his welcoming address.
The meeting was chaired by the Deputy Chairman of the IPA CIS Expert Council - RCC, Russian Federation State Duma deputy, member of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Culture, Information, Tourism and Sports - Nikolai Ivanov.
The event was attended by representatives of legislative and executive authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Uzbekistan, heads and staff of the RCC Executive Committee, as well as scientists and experts from communications administrations, specialized educational and research institutions.
The agenda of the meeting was approved and the following issues were considered:
- Agenda of the IPA CIS RCC Expert Council meeting.
- Organizational issues.
- Approaches to the development of a draft model law "On Artificial Intelligence".
- On draft amendments to the model Educational Code for the CIS Member States (general part) in the aspect of digitalization of education.
- On the results of the International Conference "Legal Aspects of Digital Society Development" (Saint Petersburg, December 2, 2022).
- Issues related to the digitalization of elections, the development of digital trade, and the legal regulation of the digital economy in general.
- On the dates and agenda for the next meeting of the CIS IPA-RCC Expert Council.
The deputy head of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat, Director of the International Institute for Monitoring Democracy Development of IPA CIS Ivan Mushket told the participants of the meeting about the experience of using remote electronic voting in elections, using the example of the election campaign to the State Duma of Russia in September 2021.
Lyudmila Tereshchenko, chief researcher in the department of administrative law and procedure at the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, presented her colleagues with detailed conclusions on current areas of legal regulation in the digital economy
The reports on the model laws in the field of digital development of the society, in particular in the electronic commerce sphere, were made by the Head of the Model Lawmaking Department of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat Sergey Belousov, and by the Executive Secretary of the Expert Council Alexander Surygin.
General Director of the RCC Executive Committee Nurudin Mukhitdinov made a report "On the Twenty-fifth Session of the IPA CIS Expert Council - RCC".
In his report, Nurudin Mukhitdinov noted that the 25th meeting of the IPA CIS Expert Council - RCC is scheduled for March-April 2023. It is planned to consider the following questions: about approaches to development of the draft model law "On Artificial Intelligence, about draft amendments to the model educational code for the CIS member states (general part) in the aspect of digitalization of education, about the results of the International conference "Legal aspects of digital development of society" (St. Petersburg, December 2, 2022). Legal aspects of digital development of society will be the main issue of the international conference to be held on December 2, 2022 in the headquarters of IPA CIS, Tavricheskiy Palace in St. Petersburg.