26 September - 14 October 2022, PP-22, Bucharest, Romania
On 6 October 2022, ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao presented a Certificate to the General-Directors of the ITU regional organizations and coordinators during the Plenary Session of the ITU PP-22 in recognition of their role in coordinating the activities of their regions for the PP-22.
The ITU Certificate was presented to Nurudin Mukhitdinov, General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee and Alexey Borodin, Chair of the ITU Working Group with the Commission for the Coordination of International Cooperation.
It should be noted that, within the RCC, preparations for the PP-22 have been carried out since 2019 in accordance with the RCC CAs Preparation Plan for the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2022, which was approved by Decision No. 56/26-4 of 11 December 2020 of the RCC Board of the CAs Heads and the Coordination Council.
In the past period, 6 joint-meetings of the RCC Commission for the Coordination of International Cooperation and the ITU Working Group on the Work with the ITU (CIC and WG ITU) as well as 5 meetings of the ITU Working Group on the Work with the ITU at the CIC were held.
At the same time, representatives of the RCC CAs took part in 30 preparatory regional meetings in preparation for the PP-22 over the past period.
The coordinated activities of the CIC, WG ITU and the RCC Executive Committee resulted in 17 prepared RCC General Proposals at the PP-22.
The work of the PP-22 is ongoing.