The meeting was attended by plenipotentiaries of the CIS member states in the Commission on Economic Affairs, ministries and departments of the Commonwealth, as well as representatives of the CIS Executive Committee and the RCC Executive Committee.
The Chairperson of the Commission, Durdyev Serdar Takhirovich, Counselor of the Embassy of Turkmenistan in the Russian Federation opened and chaired the meeting.
The questions “On the draft Agreement on the information interaction of the CIS member states in the field of digital development of society”, “On the implementation of the Long-term plan for joint work on the exploration, use and protection of the mineral resources of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States for 2016-2020 ( the second half of 2018 - the first half of 2019) ”and a number of other issues.
The Deputy General Director of the RCC Executive Committee, Zorya Natalia Evgenievna, spoke on the first issue of the Agenda “On the draft Agreement on the information interaction of the CIS member states in the field of digital development of society”.
The draft Agreement was generally approved and submitted by the Commission for consideration at the next meeting of the CIS Economic Council.