The 4th meeting of the APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-23 took place on 15-20 August 2022 in Bangkok and in a format of a videoconference.
Around 400 delegates from Asian countries, international and regional organisations, including the RCC, attended the meeting.
Representatives of the Communications Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Russian Federation and staff of the RCC Executive Committee attended from the RCC.
Masanori Kondo, Secretary General of the APT, opened the above-mentioned meeting. The Director of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau, Mario Manevich, and Kyu Jin Wee, Chairman of the 4th meeting of the APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-23, delivered welcoming remarks. After the opening session, Kyu Jin Wee continued to moderate the meeting.
The agenda included presentations by regional organizations on their preparations for the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) and the Radiocommunication Assembly (RA).
Sergey Pastukh made a presentation on behalf of the RCC. He presented the Common Position of the RCC Communications Administrations on the agenda items of the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023.
Having heard the status of preparations of regional organisations for the above activities, this meeting moved on to discuss the APT General Proposals for WRC-23 and RA-23.
At the end of the meeting Masanori Kondo, APT Secretary General and the Chairman of the meeting, Kyu Jin Wee, thanked delegates for their participation and fruitful work.