The 22nd Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT) Policy and Regulatory Forum was held from 19-21 July 2021 in Bangkok and via videoconference.
More than 250 delegates from Asian countries, international and regional organizations, including RCC, participated in the Forum.
Representatives of the Communication Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the RCC Executive Committee participated on behalf of the RCC.
Masanori Kondo, Secretary General of APT, and Trieu Ming Long, Chair of the APT Policy and Regulatory Forum (PRF) delivered welcoming remarks. Also welcoming remarks were delivered by Ilyas Ahmed, elected chairman of the 22nd Forum.
Brian Winji and Tasawan Samorwong were elected as Vice-Chairs.
The 22nd Forum continued its work according to the five strategic directions of the APT Strategic Plan, which guides the work of APT for the years of 2021-2023.
The 22nd Forum consisted of the following sessions:
- Special Ministerial Session: a session of Ministers and Deputy Ministers to share views, experiences, policies implemented in their countries on digital transformation and innovation strategies that are in line with the aim of the Singapore Statement adopted by the Minister of ICT of APT.
- Regulators Roundtable: A roundtable discussion with heads of regulators to share experiences and practices on regulatory issues and identify challenges and possible ways forward to the new 5th generation (G5) regulatory framework concept.
- Business Dialogue: A session that provided a platform for representatives to discuss economic and financial approaches to a sustainable 5G ecosystem.
The agenda for the 22nd Forum included the following:
1. Opening;
2. Adoption of the agenda;
3. Election of Chair and Vice-Chairs of the Forum;
4. Outcome of the forty-fifth session of the APT Management Committee regarding the PRGF;
5. Ministerial Session: Digital Transformation and Innovative Strategies for a Sustainable Digital Society
6. Regulators Roundtable: Towards a New Concept of the Regulatory Framework;
7. Business Dialogue:
- Developing the 5G ecosystem
- New technologies - regulatory implications and impacts on the economy and ICT landscape
8. Thematic Sessions:
- Resilient network and disaster management
- Quality of service and quality of experience - challenges and the way forward
- Raising awareness and promoting national cybersecurity
- Inclusive national digital policy: connecting the unconnected
9. Forum Closing.