On June 23, 2022 the second meeting of the expert group for the coordination of the draft Memorandum of Cooperation of the Member-States of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of countermeasures in the field of countermeasures in the hybrid format in the CIS Executive Committee office (Moscow).
The meeting was attended by representatives of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Russian Federation, Turkmenistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, the Executive Committee of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications and the CIS Executive Committee.
The meeting of the expert group was opened by Mr. Myskin, Director of the Economic Cooperation Department of the CIS Executive Committee.
Zorya Natalya Evgenievna, Deputy General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee participated in the expert group meeting.
Agenda and rules of procedure of the meeting were approved.
In the course of detailed discussion of the comments and proposals submitted by the CIS Member-States on the text of the draft Memorandum the participants decided
1. to approve the draft Memorandum on cooperation between the CIS Member-States in the field of combating counterfeiting on telecommunication networks, as revised in the light of comments and suggestions received from the CIS Member States and the discussion.
2. To request the CIS Executive Committee to submit the finalized draft Memorandum to the Governments of the CIS Member-States for approval for further consideration by the highest authorities of the CIS in accordance with the established procedure.