The 8th meeting of the RCC Postal Safety Action Group under the RCC Postal Commission and RCC Postal Operators Board (RCC PSAG) was held on 25 May 2022 via videoconference.
The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Postal Security Action Group under the RCC Postal Commission and the RCC Postal Operators Board, Sergeev Alexander Yuryevich.
The participants were addressed with a welcoming speech by Mukhitdinov Nurudin Nasretdinovich, General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee and Zorya Natalia Evgenievna, Deputy General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee.
The meeting of the Postal Security Action Group under the RCC Postal Commission and the RCC Postal Operators Board was attended by the representatives of the Republic of Armenia Communication Administration and full members of the RCC Postal Operators Board - "Azerpost" LLC, "Haypost" CJSC, "Belpochta" RUE, "Kazpost" JSC, "Kyrgyz Post" SE, "Russian Post" JSC, "Uzbekistan Post" JSC and the representatives of the RCC Executive Committee.
Traditionally, the progress of fulfillment of the Action Plan of the Working Group on Postal Security of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications for the period from 2021 to 2022 is considered and reviewed during the RCC PSAG meetings.
As part of the working group meeting the leadership of the RCC Executive Committee was briefed on the consideration of the draft Memorandum on the forms of cooperation of the RCC Member-States on postal security by the CIS highest working bodies.
The event took place in a constructive and a businesslike atmosphere. Decisions were taken at the end of the meeting.
In conclusion, the Chairman of the Postal Security Action Group under the RCC Postal Commission and the RCC Postal Operators Board, Sergeev Alexander Yuryevich, thanked all the participants and the RCC Executive Committee for their active and fruitful work, and also for the high-quality organization of the meeting in a format of a videoconference.