On 17 May 2022, the RCC delegation met with Ms. Paula Ingabire, Minister of Information and Communication Technology and Innovation of Rwanda, who had been appointed Chairperson of the WTDC.
The meeting was attended by Mukhitdinov Nurudin Nasretdinovich, General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee, Borodin Alexei Sergeevich, Chairman of the Working Group on Work with the ITU, Plossky Arseniy Yurievich, coordinator of the Working Group on the preparation for WTDC-21 and Mochu Natalia Vyacheslavovna, Director of the ITU Regional Office for the CIS region.
The following issues were discussed at the meeting:
- organizational issues: assistance in arranging hotel reservations for members of the Russian delegation without advance payment (taking into account sanctions related to bank card transactions),
- questions on the ITU documents and resolutions,
- questions regarding the working methods of the WTDC,
- questions regarding the elected posts of the ITU-D working bodies:
to inform that we are aware of the possibility of putting forward an anti-Russian resolution aimed at removing Russian representatives from the posts of the ITU-D working bodies;
to note the impossibility of replacing the nominees submitted from the RCC;
to consider assisting the ITU-D Chairman on this issue and suppressing practices contrary to the ITU Constitution.
The meeting took place in a businesslike and constructive atmosphere.