On April 8, 2022, the 52/41/5th joint meeting of the RCC Postal Commission, the Council of RCC Postal Operators and the Working Group on Working with UPUs was held in the format of a videoconference.
The meeting was opened by Nurudin Nasretdinovich Mukhitdinov, General Director of the RCC Executive Committee.
The participants of the meeting were welcomed by:
- Chairman of the RCC Postal Commission Mammadov Novruz Gulu oglu;
- Chairman of the Board of Postal Operators of the RCC Fayzullaev Alisher Nasibullaevich;
- Chairman of the Working Group on work with the UPU Gordeenko Natalia Mikhailovna.
Representatives of the communication administrations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan and full members of the Council of Postal Operators of the RCC - Azerpost LLC, Haypost CJSC, Belpochta Republican Unitary Enterprise, Kazpost JSC, Kyrgyz Post Office, Russian Post JSC, Postal Tojik State Unitary Enterprise, Uzbekistan Post Office JSC, representatives of PostEurop, IB UPU, as well as employees of the RCC Executive Committee.
The agenda of the meeting included the following items:
- On preparations for the spring session of the UPU Postal Operations Council and the UPU Administrative Council (May 9-13, May 16-20, 2022, Bern, Switzerland);
- On preparations for the Coordination Meeting with Regional Unions in Bern (May 18, 2022).
- On the implementation of the Action Plan for the implementation of the decisions of the 27th UPU Congress and the Abidjan Postal Strategy for 2022-2025;
- On the preparation of the UPU Regional Development Plan for 2022-2025 for the Europe and Central Asia region;
- On ensuring the safety of transportation of international and transit mail of the countries of the RCC participants in emergency situations;
- Report of the Chairman of the Working Group on the Development of Postal Products, E-commerce and Their Digitization of the RCC Commission on Postal Communications and the Council of Postal Operators of the RCC (Working Group on CRPP and EC);
- Report of the Chairman of the Working Group on Financial Services of the RCC Postal Commission and the Council of RCC Postal Operators.
The event was held in a constructive business atmosphere.
Based on the results of consideration of the agenda items, appropriate decisions were made.