On April 4-8, 2022, the CITEL Preparatory Meeting for the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-21) was held in person in Paraguay and via videoconferencing.
The event was attended by 170 delegates from North and South American countries, as well as observers from international and regional organizations.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the Communications Administrations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, as well as the Executive Committee of the RCC.
The above meeting was opened and CITEL Executive Director Oscar León and Juan Carlos Director of Conatel Ing.
Victor Martinez Paraguay was appointed Chairman and handed over the chairmanship of the event to the representative of Canada, Santiago Reyes-Borda.
Presentations on Earth Impacts, ITU-D Projects and Mechanisms and Space Debris were delivered by CITEL Executive Director Oscar León and José Diaz Batanero.
At this meeting, the agenda, structure and work plan were approved.
The agenda included the following items:
- Approval of the agenda, calendar and distribution of the document;
- Establishment of a Drafting Group for the final report;
- Structure and work plan of PCC.I.;
- Reports of the working group:
1. Working Group on Policy and Regulation (WGPR);
2. Working Group on Deployment of Technologies and Services (WGDTS);
3. Working Group on Preparation and Follow-up to WTSA, WCIT and WTDC (WGCONF).
- Other questions.
From the RCC, the coordinator for the preparation of the RCC CAs for the WTDC, Arseniy Plossky, made an overview of the preparations for WTDC-21.
At the end of the meeting, Executive Director Oscar León and the Chairman thanked all participants for their presence and for their contribution to the preparation of CITEL for ITU events.