On March 28, 2022, the 1st informal inter-regional preparatory meeting of the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2022 was held in Geneva and via videoconferencing.
The event was attended by delegates from member countries, as well as observers from international and regional organizations.
The Management and employees of the RCC Executive Committee took part in the work of the meeting.
The above-mentioned meeting was opened and ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao delivered a welcoming speech.
At the 2022 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, countries will come together to set the direction for digital transformation for years to come for the benefit of our planet and humanity.
The Plenipotentiary Conference is the highest decision-making body of the ITU, which determines the general principles of the Organization's activities for the next four years.
The Chairman of SC-22, Mr. Sabin Sarmash, also delivered a welcoming speech.
Beatrice Pluschon ITU and Christiane Fluthur, Chairman of Com-ITU, delivered a presentation on ITU preparations for PP-22.
The agenda of the informal inter-regional preparatory meeting PP-22 included the following items:
1. Opening remarks by the Secretary General and Chair Designate of PP-22;
2. Information on the state of preparation of PC-22;
3. Sketch design PK-22;
4. Chairmen and deputy chairmen, cashiers, powers;
5. Time management plan and working methods of committees;
6. State of preparation of regional groups: general statements;
7. Dates and venue of the next informal inter-regional meetings;
8. Other matters;
9. Closing.
Representatives of the Regional Organizations of the Arab Preparatory Group, ASE, CITEL, APT, CERT made a brief overview of the preparations for PP-22.
On behalf of the RCC Executive Committee, Zorya Natalia Evgenievna, Deputy Director General of the RCC, expressed her gratitude for organizing the first interregional meeting on the preparation of PP-22.
At the end of the meeting, Chairman Sabin Sarmash expressed his gratitude for the review of the preparations for PP-22 and thanked all participants for their participation.