On March 10-11, The Third Interregional Meeting on preparations for WTDC-21 was held in Geneva and via videoconferencing.
The event was attended by over 170 delegates from member countries, as well as observers from international and regional organizations.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the AC of the Russian Federation, as well as employees of the Executive Committee.
The above meetings were opened and welcomed by the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) Doreen Bogdan-Martin and the Chairman of the WTDC Paula Ingabire.
The agenda of the above event included a review of preparations for WTDC-21, the progress of preparations for the conference in regional organizations, discussion of contributions and regional initiatives.
A brief overview of the preparations for WTDC-21 was made by BDT Deputy Director Stephen Bereaux, who announced that the meetings would be held on 6-16 June 2022 in Kigali (Rwanda). Also, the Generation Connect Youth Summit will be organized on June 2-4 and the Partner Connect Roundtable on Digital Development in Kigali will be held on June 7-9.
The next issue was the report of the regional organizations on the preparations for the WTDC. The floor was given to representatives of the Regional Organizations ATU, CITEL, the Arab Preparatory Group, APT, CEPT.
From the RCC, Arseniy Plossky gave an overview of the preparations for WTDC-21.
The meeting reviewed the measure contributions to WTDC Resolutions proposed by the regions to WTDC-21.
The agenda included the following items:
1. Opening of the meeting;
2. Adoption of the agenda;
3. Update on WTDC;
4. Update on the preparation of Regional Telecommunication Organizations (RTOs);
5. Member contributions;
6. Actions on WTDC Resolutions proposed by the regions;
7. Preparatory activities carried out by the secretariat;
8. Any other questions;
9. Closing of the meeting.
The MPC-3 meeting was a two-day meeting, which provided an opportunity for ITU-D members to continue dialogue and reach consensus on critical issues well in advance of WTDC. All six Regional Preparatory Meetings (RPMs) have taken place so far, as well as the last meeting of the Telecommunication Development Advisory Group, and MPC-3 was able to benefit from the work of the Regional Meetings and TDAG meetings, which made it possible to determine common positions on the revision of Resolutions and questions of study groups and Declarations.
The meeting was summed up by BDT Director Doreen Bogdan-Martin and WTDC Chair Paula Ingabire, thanking the participants for the opportunity to speak and hold meetings in person and remotely.