The ITU Forum "Smart Sustainable Cities: Social, Economic and Governance" was held on February 15-17, 2022 in a hybrid format. This event was held in Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
The above meeting was opened and the Minister of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus Shulgan Konstantin Konstantinovich delivered a welcoming speech. Also, Director of the Regional Branch of the International Telecommunication Union for the CIS Region Mochu Natalia Vyacheslavovna, General Director of RUE Beltelecom Yury Nikolayevich Petruchenya and Alekseev Anton Evgenievich, General Director of OJSC Giprosvyaz addressed the participants with a greeting.
The ITU Forum was attended by representatives of the RCC Communications Administrations: the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, as well as the Management and staff of the RCC Executive Committee.
The ITU Forum "Smart Sustainable Cities: Organizational and Technical Aspects of Development" was organized jointly with JSC "Giprosvyaz" with the support of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus.
A smart city is a concept of a new generation city, which provides for effective management and ensuring a high standard of living for the population through the use of innovative technologies.
The ITU Forum program consisted of several sessions in the following areas:
- Session 1. Sectoral policies and strategies for the development of smart sustainable cities pursued by the authorities;
- Session 2. Development of smart sustainable cities: the formation of a centralized, end-to-end and transparent city management;
- Session 3. Development of smart sustainable cities: improving the quality of life of the urban population;
- Session 4. Development of smart sustainable cities: ensuring an enabling environment for doing business.
At the meetings, representatives from the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the Russian Federation made presentations and shared their practical experience in building a "smart sustainable city".
On the topic “Overview of the Report 2018-2021. on ITU-D Question 1/2 "Building smart cities and smart society: the use of information and communication technologies for sustainable socio-economic development" Arseniy Plossky, Deputy Head of the Laboratory of the Radio Research Institute, spoke on the topic “Development of smart sustainable cities: improving the quality of life of the urban population” Alexey Sergeevich Borodin, Head of the Representative Office of PJSC Rostelecom in Geneva, Chairman of the Working Group for Work with ITU under the International Cooperation Commission, spoke.
The ITU Forum allowed leading experts from various countries to exchange experience in the development of smart city technologies and solutions on the most pressing issues, to achieve a common understanding of the problems of a smart city and ways to solve them.