From January 25 to 27, 2022, the Plenary meeting of the CEPT Committee for Interaction with ITU was held via videoconference.
The event was attended by more than 100 delegates from CEPT member countries and observers, among whom were representatives of regional and international organizations. The meeting was attended by the RCC delegation, including representatives of the Communications Administrations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, as well as the RCC Executive Committee.
The meeting was chaired by Christiana Flutur, who briefed participants on the results of informal consultations on WTSA-20 and WTDC-21. WTDC-21 has been moved to Rwanda, the dates of the conference are being specified. Bilal Jamoussi informed about the preparations for WTSA-20, assuring that the Swiss authorities promised full support for this event.
The Assembly will provide conditions for remote connection, but decisions will be made only by those present in Geneva.
The meeting approved the CEPT proposals to WTSA-20 and WTDC-21.
France proposed its candidacy to the ITU Council, Yvon Henry, representative of France, proposed to the ITU Radio Regulations Board.
The representative of Azerbaijan presented his country's candidacy to the ITU Council and Sahiba Hasanova to the Radio Regulations Committee. Poland and Sweden put forward their candidatures for the ITU Council.
Further, the results of discussions in the working and expert groups of the ITU Council were presented. In this regard, Alexander Vasiliev (Russian Federation) expressed his concerns about the significant deficit provided for in the draft ITU budget for 2023-2024, as well as about inconsistencies in the draft staffing table and a number of other documents of the ITU Secretariat.
On January 26 and the first half of January 27, the meeting continued within the framework of the working groups, the results of which were presented at the final plenary session on the afternoon of January 27, 2022.
The Chair advocated the maximum possible presence of CEPT Common Proposal Coordinators in Geneva at WTSA-20.
The representative of the ITU regional office, Yaroslav Ponder, recalled that the deadline for submitting proposals for candidates to WTDC-21 is February 28, 2022. After that, the meeting turned to the consideration of presentations by regional organizations.
The representative of CITEL reported on the inter-American proposals for WTDC-21, and the floor was given to the speaker from the African Telecommunication Union.
On behalf of the RCC, an overview of the preparations for WTDC-21 was presented by Arseniy Plossky.
His speech was supplemented by the head of the RCC delegation, Bakhtiyar Mammadov, who nominated Rashid Ismailov for the post of ITU Secretary General.
He also described the RCC candidates for the ITU Radio Regulations Board.
The next plenary meeting of the Committee for Interaction with ITU, planned in a hybrid format, will be held on February 15-18, 2022.