In the period from 6 to 10 December 2021 in Minsk, Republic of Belarus, the 20th meeting of the RCC Commission on Regulation of the Usage of the Radio Frequency Spectrum and Satellite Orbits (RCC Commission on RFS and SO) and its working bodies (WG AR / WRC, RG RCHS, RG RV, PG TsTV).
The meeting of the Commission was chaired by Valery Butenko, Chairman of the RCC Commission on RFS and SO.
First Deputy Minister of Communications and Informatization Tkach Pavel Nikolaevich addressed the participants of the meeting on behalf of the Communications Administration of the Republic of Belarus, who stressed the importance of holding an international event in the Republic of Belarus, which would allow all RCC member countries to prepare for the Radiocommunication Assembly (AR-23) and the World radiocommunication conference of 2023 (WRC-23) at a high scientific and technical level and wished the participants of the meeting fruitful work.
The Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Mario Manevich congratulated the meeting participants on the upcoming 30th anniversary of the RCC and noted the great contribution of the RCC to the activities of the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R), including preparations for the World Radiocommunication Conference. He also thanked the RCC Executive Committee for the valuable contribution to the work and for close cooperation with ITU-R. The ITU-R BR Director noted that all the efforts of the Radiocommunication Bureau are focused on the dynamic development of the Radiocommunication Sector in the long term for the benefit of all ITU Members. In conclusion, Mr. Manevich wished the participants of the meeting fruitful work.
Head of the Sector of the RCC Executive Committee Kirichenko Alexander Vladimirovich thanked the Communications Administration of the Republic of Belarus for the invitation and organization of events at a high level. He noted that in recent years, the role of regional organizations in promoting modern radio technologies and developing rules for the use of the radio frequency spectrum within the ITU has increased, contributing to the growth of the economic and social potential of the RCC member countries.
The meeting was attended by more than 110 representatives of the communications administrations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, the Russian Federation, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as representatives of the ITU, the European Conference of Post and Telecommunication Administrations (CEPT), International Union of Radio Amateurs of the 1st Region (IARU-R1), GSMA, GSA, EUTELSAT, OneWeb, Huawei Eurasia and the RCC Executive Committee.
Alexander Kholod, Chairman of the Preparatory Group for WRC-23 (CPG23) of the Committee on Electronic Communications (ECC) CEPT, presented an update on the preparation of European countries for WRC-23.
The report on the RCC participation in the meetings of regional organizations (APT, CITEL) in preparation for the RA-23 / WRC-23 was made by the Deputy Chairman of the AR / WRC WG of the RCC Commission on RFS and SO Pastukh Sergey Yurievich.
Information on the coordinating role of ITU-R in the preparation of regional organizations for RA-23 / WRC-23 was made by the Head of the ITU-R Terrestrial Services Department Nikolai Nikolayevich Vasiliev. The importance of participation of representatives of the RCC member countries in the upcoming ITU interregional seminar and meetings of the informal group on the preparation of the structure and consideration of candidates for leading positions of WRC-23 was noted.
Co-chair of the “Network of Women for WRC-23” (NOW4WRC23) initiative from the RCC Chief Specialist of the Department for International Cooperation and Prospective Projects of the RSE “State Radio Frequency Service” of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tiyanak Aizhan Takezhankyzy presented information on the progress in promoting the initiative “Network of Women for WRC -23 ".
At the meeting of the RCC Commission, topical issues of radio communication and broadcasting, as well as reports of the working bodies of the Commission were considered.
The Commission approved and recommended the RCC CAs for use in the work the following documents:
- RCC Report "General principles of protection of stations in the broadcasting service from interference to the mobile service in the main and adjacent frequency bands, taking into account the decisions of WRC-15";
- RCC Recommendation "Harmonization of technical conditions for the use of 5G-NR / IMT-2020 systems in the RCC countries in the radio frequency band 6425-7125 MHz or in its individual sections";
- RCC Recommendation "Evaluation of the electromagnetic and interference environment at the point where measurements and quality control of the conditions of propagation and reception of radio signals are performed."
The following documents were approved at the meeting of the Commission:
- General table of distribution of RCC frequencies in the radio frequency bands 174-470 MHz, 14.5-29.9 GHz;
- RCC Report "On the implementation of 5G systems in the countries of the RCC participants";
- Bridging Statement to 3GPP to include the radio frequency band 6425-7125 MHz in the 3GPP specification for 5G-NR / IMT-2020 systems;
- "Preliminary position of the RCC CAs on the agenda items of the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023, version dated December 10, 2021".
The Commission also considered and discussed the primary draft of the Plan of additional channels to the Geneva-06 Plan in the 470-694 MHz radio frequency band in the border areas of the RCC participants' countries and the draft RCC Recommendation “Determination of the conditions for the use and implementation of 5G-NR / IMT-2020 systems in the bands radio frequencies 694-790 MHz, 3400-3800 MHz and 4800-4990 MHz in the RCC countries in the border areas ", the work on which will be continued at the next meeting.
The next meeting of the Commission is planned to be held in June 2022, in the Kyrgyz Republic.
The meeting participants thanked the staff of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau for their active and fruitful participation in the meeting.
In his closing remarks, the General Director of the RCC Executive Committee Mukhitdinov Nurudin Nasretdinovich thanked the Communications Administration of the Republic of Belarus for organizing a high-level meeting of the Commission in person for the first time since the start of the pandemic.
The meeting participants also expressed their gratitude to the Communications Administration of the Republic of Belarus and the RCC Executive Committee for the excellent organization of the meeting.