From 8 to 13 November 2021, the 3rd meeting of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) Preparatory Group for WRC-23 (APG23-3) was held by videoconference.
More than 460 delegates from APT member countries took part in the event.
The meeting was attended by the RCC delegation, including representatives of the Communications Administrations: the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, as well as the RCC Executive Committee.
The above meeting was attended by observers, including representatives of regional organizations such as CEPT and the Arab Group.
The plenary session was chaired by the Chairman of the Preparatory Group, Kew Jin Wee. Mario Manevich, Director of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau, addressed the meeting with a welcoming speech.
The results of the meeting were summed up at a plenary session chaired by the head of APG Que Jin Wee (Korea). The results of the work of Working Group 1 dealing with WRC-23 Issues 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 were presented by its Chairman, Hirooka Atarashi (Japan). He noted that the participants did not reach an agreement on a number of issues. The results of the discussions in Working Group 2 were presented by its leader Bui Ha Long (Vietnam).
The head of Working Group 3 dealing with WRC issues 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, Wahuidi Hasbi (Indonesia), presented the results of its work.
Satellite systems issues were assigned to Working Group 4, the results of its work were presented by Chairman Cheng Feng (PRC).
Working Group 5 deals with issues 2, 4, 8, 9, 10 of the WRC, the results of the discussion in the group were presented by Shafi Mohammed Tagi (Iran). The reports of the group on methods and on the work of the Women's Network were also provided.
Meeting documents are available at https://www.apt.int/2021-APG23-3
It was decided to hold the next meeting of the Preparatory Group in July-August 2022.