The XIV International Scientific Conference on Telecommunications, Telemetry, TV Broadcasting Equipment and Information Technologies "Turkmentel - 2021" was held in Ashgabat on November 10-11, 2021. The event was held via video conferencing and was attended by more than 100 representatives from 25 countries of the world, including representatives of the Telecommunications and Infocommunications Operators Board of the Regional Commonwealth in the fFeld of Communications. President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov greeted the conference participants.
Opening the conference, Mammetkhan Chakyev, Director General of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, noted that the country attaches particular importance to the development of an information transport network. Today the telecommunication company "Turkmentelecom" has six international joints based on DWDM equipment with a capacity of each channel of 100Gb / s for the passage of international transit and local flows. The telecommunication company Turkmentelecom and the Afghan communication operator Afghan Wireless have launched lines on the second international junction in two directions with the possibility of extending to Pakistan and India. A new line has also been laid on the Dashoguz (Turkmenistan) - Gurlen (Uzbekistan) sections for network redundancy, where new equipment has been installed to pass transit flows to neighbouring states. Work is underway on the construction of fibre-optic communication lines by the telecommunication company "Turkmentelecom" and the Joint Stock Company "Jusan Mobile" on the section Karabogaz (Turkmenistan) - Temir Baba (Kazakhstan) along the second international junction in the direction with the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Speaking at the plenary session "International cooperation in the field of the digital economy - regulation and legislation - foreign direct investment", Chairman of the Agency "Turkmenaragatnashyk" ("Turkmensvyaz") Hajimyrat Hudaygulyev made proposals for promising areas of mutually beneficial investment cooperation in the field of the digital economy, in particular the introduction of electronic government (SMEV - Systems of interdepartmental electronic interaction and ESIA - a unified system of identification and authentication); creation of data centers; a project for the construction of a fibre-optic communication line between Turkmenbashi (Turkmenistan) - Siazan (Azerbaijan) along the bottom of the Caspian Sea.
During this session, welcoming addresses were delivered by the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Houlin Zhao, Senior Adviser to the President of ICANN Sally Costerton, CTO for Eastern Europe and Central Asia at Nokia JP Takala, President of CNBG Huawei Eurasia Zhao Lei, General Manager of the Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Association Leonid Todorov; and Secretary-General of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, Dr. Javad Mottaghi.
At the opening plenary session of the conference, the General Director of the RCC Executive Committee Mukhitdinov Nurudin Nasretdinovich made a keynote speech on the topic "The role of the RCC in the implementation of digital transformation of the CIS member states".
In his presentation, he noted that today's event in Turkmenistan is taking place in a significant year: 30 years since the founding of the Commonwealth of Independent States and 30 years since the creation of the Regional Commonwealth in the field of communications. Noting that the purpose of creating the RCC was to carry out activities to promote the development of telecommunications in the region, to form a consolidated position of the RCC member countries in relation to the radio frequency spectrum, the development of electronic and postal communications for its subsequent presentation at key international platforms of the International Telecommunication Union and the Universal Postal Union The General Director of the RCC Executive Committee emphasized that the economic well-being of any country today is inextricably linked with the development of digital technologies. The infrastructure of information and communication technologies and the introduction of technical solutions are the most important factors that play a key role in the development, achievement of prosperity and the formation of the economic potential of the country.
Further, at the conference, topics were discussed about the role of new technologies of the space system in the digital economy; fixed and mobile communications: building a unified national communications network, as well as information security in the era of digital transformation.
At the end of the conference, the Chairman of the Turkmenaragatnashyk Communications Agency of Turkmenistan thanked all the speakers for their active participation in the conference when discussing topical issues of the industry. The conference ended with the adoption of an appeal by the participants to the President of Turkmenistan.