On September 30, 2021, the 10th meeting of the RCC Commission on the Development of the Information Society and Digital Transformation was held with the participation of experts and plenipotentiary representatives of the CIS member states in the format of a video conference.
The meeting was opened by the General Director of the RCC Executive Committee Mukhitdinov Nurudin Nasretdinovich.
In accordance with the RCC regulatory documents, in the absence of the Chairman of the RCC working body, the meeting is chaired by his deputy.
The 10th meeting of the RCC Commission on the Development of the Information Society and Digital Transformation was held under the chairmanship of the Deputy Chairman of the RCC Commission on RIO and Central Television Anvar Rustamovich Mansurov, Head of the Electronic Government Development Department of the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The 10th meeting of the RCC Commission on the Development of the Information Society and Digital Transformation was attended by: representatives of the communications administrations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, employees of the Base Organization of the CIS member states in the field of ICT, MOKS "Intersputnik", the Secretariat of the Council of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS, as well as invited employees of the Executive Committee of the CIS and the Executive Committee of the RCC.
At the meeting, the agenda was approved and the following issues were considered:
- On promising directions in the field of digital development in the countries of the RCC participants. Challenges and solutions during a pandemic.
- On the progress in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the countries of the RCC participants (1000 days from the date of the adoption of the global Agenda until 2030).
- On cooperation and development of approaches of the RCC participants in Internet governance issues.
- On the results of the work of the ITU World Summit Forum on the Information Society 2021 (17-21 May 2021).
- On the results of the work of the CIS International Expert Forum on information security (June 29, 2021, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan).
- On the progress in the implementation of the Strategy for ensuring information security of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States for the period up to 2030 and the Action Plan for its implementation.
- On the use of the mechanisms and capabilities of the Interstate Program of Innovative Cooperation of the CIS Member States for the period up to 2030.
- On the results of the meeting of the Special Working Group on the Digitalization of the Economy (May 24, 2021, Moscow).
- On the implementation of national programs for the digitalization of the economies of the CIS countries.
- On the progress in the implementation of the Strategy for Cooperation of the CIS Member States in the Building and Development of the Information Society for the Period up to 2025 and the Action Plan for its Implementation for the Period until 2025.
- On the progress of the implementation of the Concept of cooperation of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of digital development and the Plan of priority measures for its implementation.
- On the interaction of the Regional Commonwealth of Communications with the bodies of sectoral cooperation of the CIS.
In view of the participation of the Deputy Chairman of the RCC Commission on the Development of the Information Society and Digital Transformation Mansurov Anvar Rustamovich in the format of another meeting of the Republic of Uzbekistan on elections, the meeting continued under the chairmanship of the Deputy Chairman of the RCC Commission for the Coordination of International Cooperation, Head of the International Activity Department of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Olegovich Mokryagin.
The participants of the meeting expressed their gratitude to the RCC Executive Committee for the high-quality preparation of materials and technical support for the 10th meeting of the RCC Commission on the Development of the Information Society and Digital Transformation in an extended format via video conferencing.