A meeting of the Working Group on the integration of national e-health systems of the CIS Member States in a hybrid format is taking place in Minsk.
Representatives of the Republic of Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States, Executive Committee of the Regional Communications Commonwealth and Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States participate in the meeting via videoconference.
Dmitry Cherednichenko, First Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Belarus, chairs the Working Group on the Integration of National eHealth Systems of the CIS Member States.
The Regional Commonwealth is represented by:
- Makhmudov Makhsum Mubashirovich - Chairman of the Working Group on the revision of RCC normative documents, member of the RCC Commission on Development of Information Society and Digital Transformation, Director of SUE "UNICON.UZ",
- Gimranov Emil Ildarovich - Member of RCC Commission on Development of Information Society and Digital Transformation, Director General of "Unified Integrator on creation and support of state information systems UZINFOCOM" Ltd,
- Gafurov Abduvoitzhon - Member of Working group on integration of national e-health systems of CIS countries, Director General of "BePro" Programmers Center,
- Mukhitdinov Nurudin Nasretdinovich - General Director of the Executive Committee of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications,
- Zorya Natalia Evgenievna, Deputy General Director of the Executive Committee of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications.
Within the framework of the Agenda the following questions were considered:
1. The experience of the European region in telemedicine communications (speaker: Clayton Hamilton - Regional Adviser for Digital Health, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe).
2. Agreement on cooperation of CIS countries in creation of interoperable national telemedicine systems and their further development and use - basis for development of transboundary telemedicine interaction. Development history and implementation experience (speaker: Zorya Natalia Evgenievna - Deputy Genera Director of the Executive Committee of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications representative of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications).
3. On the draft road map on development of telemedicine transboundary interaction of CIS member states (reporter: Shinkevich Alexander Alexandrovich - chief specialist of organizational and methodical work of health informatization department of state institution "Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Medical Technologies, Informatization, Management and Health Economy").
Mr. N. Mukhitdinov, General Director of the RCC Executive Committee, while discussing the draft road map for the development of cross-border telemedicine interaction of the CIS member states, drew attention of the participants to the fact that it is advisable to strengthen the above-mentioned draft by guiding its development:
- Regulatory documents of the International Telecommunication Union and the World Health Organization,
- CIS Strategy for Cooperation in Building and Developing Information Society until 2025 and the Action Plan for its implementation until 2025,
- The Concept of Cooperation of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the Field of Digital Development and the Plan of Priority Actions for its implementation,
- The Strategy for Information Security of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States for the period until 2030,
- Agreement on Information Interaction of the CIS Member States in the Field of Digital Development of Society.
The meeting takes place in a businesslike and constructive atmosphere.