The RCC Coordination Meeting was attended by representatives of the CA of the Azerbaijan Republic, the CA of the Republic of Armenia, the CA of the Republic of Belarus, the CA of Georgia, the CA of the Russian Federation, the CA of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as representatives of the RCC Executive Committee.
The coordination meeting was held in accordance with the proposed Agenda.:
1. Information, report by the Deputy Chairman of the RA-19 Nurshabekov R.R. on the results of the Steering Committee meeting on October 21, 2019.
2. Information, reported by the Chairman of the Working Group on the work with ITU at the RCC Commission for the Coordination of International Cooperation (СIC) Minkin V.M. on the main results of the Plenary Meeting on October 21, 2019.
3. Reports on the results of the meetings of the Committees and their Working Groups in terms of promoting the RCC General Proposals and tasks for the current day:
3.1. Committee 4 (Kim T.G.)
3.2. Committee 5 (Vasiliev A.V.)
On the opening of the meeting, General Director of the RCC Executive Committee Mukhitdinov N.N. and responsible coordinator from the RCC, scientific advisor of the General Director of FSUE NIIR, Strelets V.A wished a Happy Birthday to the Chairman of the RA-19, Deputy Chairman of the RCC WG RA-19/WRC-19 Pastukh S.Y. All participants in the meeting wished him good health and creative success.
The meeting was led by the appointed coordinator from RCC, scientific advisor of the General Director of FSUE NIIR Strelets V.A.
Report on the 1st issue was made by Nurshabekov R.R., who reported on the results of the first meeting of Committee 1 (Steering Committee), chaired by Mr. Pastukh S.Y. During the meeting, the following issues were considered:
- on the progress of the work of the Radiocommunication Assembly,
- on the schedule of the meeting,
- on the candidacies for the post of vice or co-chairman of the Ad-Hoc group according to the Recommendation M.1036-5, as well as organizational issues.
Report on the 2nd issue was made by Minkin V.M., who reported on the main results of the RA-19 Plenary meeting, held on October 21, 2019.
The Report of the Director of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau, the Report of the Chairman of the Advisory Group, and the Report on CPM were considered. The reports are taken into account.
On the issue 3.1. Kim T.G. made a report on the work of the first meeting of Committee 4 (Structure and Work Program of the ITU-R SG), which was chaired by Mrs. Carol Wilson (Australia). As a result of the meeting, the structure of Committee 4 was determined and relevant decisions were adopted on Resolutions 50-3, 55-2, 58-1, 60-1, 66, which fully comply with the position of the RCC member-states.
On the issue 3.2. Vasilyev A.V. reported to the audience on the work of Committee 5 (Working methods of the Radiocommunication Assembly and ITU-R SG).
The work on ITU Resolutions 1 and 2, and work on WG5A has begun.
On the issue of the today’s upcoming Plenary Meeting, the Chairman of the RA-19 Pastukh S.Y. informed the members of the meeting. At the Plenary Meeting, it is planned to create an Ad-hoc group (Recommendation M.1036), it is planned to hear the report of the chairman of SG 7, and it is also planned to discuss the issues of SG 4 and SG 5.
The discussion of today’s Coordination Meeting Agenda was attended by: Strelets V.A., Minkin V.M., Mukhitdinov N.N., Zheltogonov I.V., Simonov M.M.
It was also decided to consult with the leadership of all Regional Organizations by ITU General-Secretary Mr. Houlin Zhao on the fair distribution of posts in the ITU-R SG.
The work of the RA-19 continues in accordance with the schedule of meetings.