The ITU Training Workshop "Experience in the implementation and operation of fifth-generation mobile telecommunication networks (IMT-2020)" was held on June 2-4, 2021 in Minsk, the Republic of Belarus in a hybrid format.
The above seminar was attended by representatives of the RCC Communications Administrations: the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Uzbekistan and the RCC Executive Committee.
The ITU event was also attended by representatives of the RCC Infocommunication Telecommunication Operators Council: Aztelecom LLC, Beltelecom RUE, Kazakhtelecom JSC, Rostelecom PJSC, A1 Unitary Enterprise for the provision of services, Huawei Technologies CO., LTD, SOOO Mobile TeleSystems, Mobile TeleSystems PJSC, FSUE NIIR and RIPE NCC. On June 2, 2021, the ITU Training Seminar was held within the framework of the Belarusian ICT Summit.
The above meeting was opened and the first Deputy Minister of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus Pavel Nikolaevich Tkach made a welcoming speech.
The report was made by the General Director of RUE Beltelecom, Chairman of the Board of Telecommunication and Infocommunication Operators of the RCC Yury Nikolayevich Petruchenya.
At the ITU Training Seminar, issues of implementation and operation of fifth-generation mobile telecommunication networks were considered. In addition, the impact of COVID-19 on accelerating digital transformation was discussed.
The ITU seminar - training program included the following questions:
- Opening and Session 1.1 Plenary session "Trends and innovations of the IT market";
- Visit to the TIBO exhibition;
- Session 1.2 Technologies of 5G / 6G networks. Broadband access technologies. Cloud technologies;
- Session 2.1 Human Impact of 5G EMF and updated international guidelines;
- Session 2.2 Roundtable on the topic "Impact of 5G on human health";
- Session 2.3 Spectrum for IMT-2020 networks;
- Session 2.4 Procedures for the approval and allocation of spectrum for new technologies at the international and national level;
- Session 2.5 New frequency bands for IMT networks and plans for WRC-23;
- Session 3.1 IMT-2020 Network Deployment Models;
- Session 3.2 Strategies for creating IMT-2020 networks in the Republic of Belarus;
- Session 3.3 Experience of launching and operating IMT-2020 networks in the world;
- Session 3.4 - Experience of RUE Beltelecom in piloting IMT-2020 networks;
- Session 3.5 - Measurements of 5GNR networks;
- Session 3.6 5G spectrum fees and coverage requirements;
- Session 3.7 Round table on the topic "Further steps for the implementation of 5G in the Republic of Belarus."
Within the framework of the Session "Spectrum for IMT-2020 networks", the Chairman of the Working Group on Preparation for the AR / WRC under the RCC Commission on Regulation of the Usage of the Radio Frequency Spectrum and Satellite Orbits, Adviser to the Minister of the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia Albert Bagratovich Nalbandian made a presentation.