In the period from 12 to 14 April 2021, the 16th meeting of the Working Group on Radio Frequency Spectrum Management (RG RFS) of the Commission on Regulation of the Use of the Radio Frequency Spectrum and Satellite Orbits (RCC Commission on RFS and SO) was held, using the Zoom platform.
The meeting was attended by 78 representatives of the Communications Administrations: the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as representatives of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the International Union of Radio Amateurs of the 1st Region (IARU-R1), GSA International, GSMA International and RCC Executive Committee.
Technical support for the videoconference was provided by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise NIIR of the Russian Federation.
The meeting was chaired by Aleksey Aleksandrovich Ivashkin, Deputy Chairman of the RCHS WG, Head of RUE "BelGIE" of the Republic of Belarus.
The agenda of the meeting included:
- preparation and maintenance of the General Table of Frequency Distribution of the RCC Participants' Countries;
- development of a Report summarizing the experience of the RCC participants' countries in radio frequency support of sports events of different levels;
- development of the Report on the regulation and use of systems for the provision of satellite and mobile communications and broadband Internet services on mobile objects in the countries of the RCC participants;
- development of the Report on the implementation of 5G systems in the countries of the RCC participants;
- development of Recommendations for assessing the electromagnetic and interference environment in the specified radio frequency bands at the point of the measurement site;
- development of the Report on the use of radio communication systems in railway transport in the countries of the RCC participants;
- amendments to the Work Plan of the RG RFC for 2020-2021.
The event took place in a constructive and businesslike atmosphere. Concluding the meeting, Deputy Chairman of the RCHS WG Alexey Aleksandrovich Ivashkin thanked the participants and the RCC Executive Committee for the work done, and also wished everyone good health and success in their work.